
  • Ever since Obama selected her to help the American people I have been watching her lie to the entire country, she is a disgrace.

  • I agree the Pocahontas crack was unnecessary, but wonder now if Trump was disbelieving her claim when he made it.  Grasping for minority roots is just a ploy to get minority votes and is shameful.  Why can't politicians just stand on their records and earn their votes by their merits?

  • So anyhow, many people with "Native American" ancestors are "White", or predominantly "European" in appearance. bfd. What a hypocrite to race bait in this way on her part, but yes being part Indian is very cool, and so are a great many other historic groups people commonly find themselves descended from. Everyone has impressive ancestors. At least she can say she's not a wannabe.

    The Cherokee nation doesn't appreciate this kind of DNA test promotion in that it can't be used to prove tribal affiliation in any way.

    “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong,” said Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr.

    He argued that DNA tests fail to distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America and noted that tribes set their own legal requirements for citizenship.

    So the tribe decides rather than a politician with not even a remote connection to tribal life. As far as I know I don't have Indian blood. The people I have known and cared for are Indians in both culture and heritage, but it still irks me to see this kind of self promotion on several different levels. Just let it drop. It is easy to see how and why this whole debate is offensive.

    The Pocahontas cracks too, not a conversation worth having, don't get dragged down to Warren's level.

  • My dog probably has more Indian DNA than her. The demonrats should be embarrassed.

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