At this time , I strongly believe that the world we are now living is in the process of coming to the end of 3rd dimension, going to the 4th dimension ( or density , please correct me if I'm wrong)


Many ET races ( or we can call our starseed brothers and sisters) thru-out the universe are witnessing/ visiting/ helping/participating in this process of transformation.


Some of the ET races speak out thru their " representative" or channeling entity with different methods;


Their messages received by channeling entity thru telepathy


        *Nancy Lieder received their messages and posted on ; questions and

         answers by viewers posted on this site, too.


        * Lysa Royal received spiritual messages from other ET race thru non-human entities : Bashar,

          Germaine, Shasha...... These messages are printed on her books: the prism of lyra,

          Visitors from within, Preparing for contact,....some of her messages posted on the internet


        * Ken Carey received spiritual messages from other ET race and printed in books : the third

          millennium, the starseed transmission, return of the Bird tribes....


Even WHITE EAGLE  also mentioned the upcoming tranformation of this Earth thru books


Other ET races " spread " their messages thru other website out there on the internet; Please remember the content of these messages speak for themselves; not all of these messages have good intention, kind, loving....not all of them reflect highly spiritually in their messages, the level of spirituality depends on their level of evolution; the level of 4th, 5th dimension of one Et is different from one from higher dimension ( 6th, 7th)

I would recommend the above; Operationterra is worth reading , too

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  • I agree with you Dianna; if telepathy works then there is no need to open the mouth

    Dianna Spencer said:
    In the higher vibrations, 4th, 5th, etc., it is not necessary to verbalize.. Have you ever noticed a couple who was married for 50 years, the need to talk lessens because, each knows what the other is 'thinking'... sort of like that.. or, you keep thinking about someone all day long, and they call you... we call it telepathy... or you could call it ascension..
  • In the higher vibrations, 4th, 5th, etc., it is not necessary to verbalize.. Have you ever noticed a couple who was married for 50 years, the need to talk lessens because, each knows what the other is 'thinking'... sort of like that.. or, you keep thinking about someone all day long, and they call you... we call it telepathy... or you could call it ascension..
  • Thanks Dianna. I suppose Its the same like when I telepathicly hear my friends. When I hear a telepathic voice in a crisis, I don't know who its from, but it seems masculine. I m not sure if it is divine or alien. Do you get a sense of sex when you hear a voice that is not from a person you know? I find this so fascinating to discuss without being called a witch or demon possessed. I get so pissed off when people try to label what they don't understand. It's a luxury to be able to talk about this stuff openly. The only one who understood was my grandmother. She was half cherokee indian and extremely psychic as well. She told me I was born with a veil, that's why I was psychic. My mother told me it's a membrane surrounding the baby when it's born. An old wives tale i'm sure but i'm not certain what the interpretation means. Has anyone ever heard of this? I would love to know. I also read somewhere that cherokee indians have alien dna. Has anybody else heard this?

    Dianna Spencer said:
    Hi, Ronnie, How ya doin'? Just read your question here. Very good question. When they talked to me, in perfect English I might add, it was telepathically. No need for words, and they just look at each other and know what to do, what the other is thinking. You can hear the words in your head, but not see anybody's mouth move. It's sort of like a couple that has been married for 60 years. She knows what he wants, what he is thinking... He feels he doesn't have to answer. And they don't talk, but get along very well. Also, as Cheryl said, their mouth (to me) was just a small slit, maybe not for talking anymore. p.s. I do NOT think the human race is going to disappear in 100 years.
    Ronnie said:
    Why can't ETs communicate via language or 1-1 in person? Why does it have to be telepathic communication through a human?
  • some of my info is from cosmicparadigm; Cheryl rec'd ( good site) I forgot Bashar from where

    Bobby Dean said:
    In terms of Hung Le's original post, I'd be curious to know, how many different alien visitors did he know of? I personally only know of the Grays, the Plaeidians and the Venusians. Hung Le, do you know of many more?
  • OK I posted a link to all the different types of ETs apparently know of

    Actuarians is one of the types as well.
  • In terms of Hung Le's original post, I'd be curious to know, how many different alien visitors did he know of? I personally only know of the Grays, the Plaeidians and the Venusians. Hung Le, do you know of many more?
  • Thanks Dianna for mentioning this. I originally felt closely to what Ronnie said. It would be kind of weird to see Jesus charging for his seminars in todays world, how come the 'contactees'/ book writers are trying to make money off this? Are they for real?

    But your explanation of it, from a practicing psychics point of view really made me understand the other side of it. I feel empathy for what you're stated. Those people writing those books make a living off those books as well. However, I also see you are quite a decent person who doesn't price gouge or try to make a big business of it. That makes a difference.

    What I have noticed though, is a lot of the genuine contactees, such as Billy Miers, Edgar Cayce (maybe even Nancy), who have had track records of accuracy, generally don't make much money at all either. They live very normal lives, and are not into 'book tours'. They are usually very low key and humble. They probably have trouble paying their house taxes too!
    Dianna Spencer said:
    Hi, Ronnie, I wrestled with your question of why do you have to pay for messages, for many years, because I do give psychic readings.. Finally, I was told (came to the realization) that it was ok to charge for my readings because that would is an exchange of energy... my energy to get the information from the ethers in exchange for money, which is the substance we need here on the Earth plane to survive. Without money, we cannot eat, or pay for our housing, or clothing, etc. So, it is an exchange of energy. Lately, I have been working very hard just to gather enough funds to pay for my house taxes... but I made it. ..

    Ronnie said:
    I guess my mental block is how everybody wants money before they give you the message. That makes the message to me as being tainted. Diminishes the intent of the message for me. If there is true brotherly love and intent out there, why do you have to pay for it? It's like spiritual redemption for a price. I get turned off to the make a buck first mentality. .
  • Hi, Ronnie, How ya doin'? Just read your question here. Very good question. When they talked to me, in perfect English I might add, it was telepathically. No need for words, and they just look at each other and know what to do, what the other is thinking. You can hear the words in your head, but not see anybody's mouth move. It's sort of like a couple that has been married for 60 years. She knows what he wants, what he is thinking... He feels he doesn't have to answer. And they don't talk, but get along very well. Also, as Cheryl said, their mouth (to me) was just a small slit, maybe not for talking anymore. p.s. I do NOT think the human race is going to disappear in 100 years.

    Ronnie said:
    Why can't ETs communicate via language or 1-1 in person? Why does it have to be telepathic communication through a human?
  • Hi, Ronnie, I wrestled with your question of why do you have to pay for messages, for many years, because I do give psychic readings.. Finally, I was told (came to the realization) that it was ok to charge for my readings because that would is an exchange of energy... my energy to get the information from the ethers in exchange for money, which is the substance we need here on the Earth plane to survive. Without money, we cannot eat, or pay for our housing, or clothing, etc. So, it is an exchange of energy. Lately, I have been working very hard just to gather enough funds to pay for my house taxes... but I made it. I hope this helps in some way to put your question in perspective. I imagine the ministers (if that is what you were referring to) have the same challenges in that regard.

    I have also found that, when someone puts a value on information, the information, then, is more precious. I have always taken hardship cases, and will give a messages regardless of ability to pay. And, guess what? I will give a reading for free or the person will send me $5 (of which I am happy because I think I am helping someone), and they, invariably, will call in a month or two telling me how they went to see Sylvia Brown and paid her $300.... Then I think, they have made a fool of me, have been suckered again... Just making a point that this energy is very precious.. As it says in the Bible, "Don't caste your pearls before swine..." So that is why you charge for a psychic reading. The same would apply when you go to work. Does anyone work for free? Or can anyone afford to work for free. Everyone has bills to pay...unless you are LeBron James with millions of dollars put back. Some people speak honesty, and truth, and some do not. The belief lies in your own heart... The answer is always true.. there..

    Ronnie said:
    I guess my mental block is how everybody wants money before they give you the message. That makes the message to me as being tainted. Diminishes the intent of the message for me. If there is true brotherly love and intent out there, why do you have to pay for it? It's like spiritual redemption for a price. I get turned off to the make a buck first mentality. It appears like somebody is scamming gullible people who are seeking some sort of truth. Its another structured religion of sorts. I'm not sure they are getting truth. Is it possible for a hidden human agenda or personality type to mix up the basic message? I guess an alien would have to tell me direct before I would believe it. Some of the stuff out there just seems so contrived. How do we test whether or not it is true? Should we believe everything with blind faith? Its sort of along the line of those who question the Gospels of the Bible. Was it mans word or Gods word? How much did man add or subtract from the basic message? And again, many religions are reaping thousands - salvation by the dollar.

    I guess we'll never know the answer until a ufo parks on the front lawn of the white house. Can you imagine that television broadcast?

    Just thinkin out loud....not on an attack of any specific message or alien group. I'm throwing it out there for debate.
  • I guess my mental block is how everybody wants money before they give you the message. That makes the message to me as being tainted. Diminishes the intent of the message for me. If there is true brotherly love and intent out there, why do you have to pay for it? It's like spiritual redemption for a price. I get turned off to the make a buck first mentality. It appears like somebody is scamming gullible people who are seeking some sort of truth. Its another structured religion of sorts. I'm not sure they are getting truth. Is it possible for a hidden human agenda or personality type to mix up the basic message? I guess an alien would have to tell me direct before I would believe it. Some of the stuff out there just seems so contrived. How do we test whether or not it is true? Should we believe everything with blind faith? Its sort of along the line of those who question the Gospels of the Bible. Was it mans word or Gods word? How much did man add or subtract from the basic message? And again, many religions are reaping thousands - salvation by the dollar.

    I guess we'll never know the answer until a ufo parks on the front lawn of the white house. Can you imagine that television broadcast?

    Just thinkin out loud....not on an attack of any specific message or alien group. I'm throwing it out there for debate.
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