Earth Once Jolted by Gravitational Comets

   Speaking in qualitative, not quantitative, terms, it is quite possible that,

if this comet comes close enough to Earth, it could slow down or even

pause the rotation of Earth. I don't know if it will come close enough.

I'm just stating a proven fact -- that IF it does come close enough, and if

it is sort of shoulder-to-shoulder with Earth, and if the comet is large enough,

it will *definitely* slow or even pause, or even reverse the rotation of Earth.

   Many intelligent people who are too lazy to study the scientific factuality

of my claim and the ancient historical factuality of it, will just shrug it off as

nonsense. However, ancient history has shown that it has happened several

times. In fact, if this comet passes above or below Earth, and is close

enough, it will rotate Earth vertically. Many years ago, my geology professor

made a statement which I remember most vividly: 

"In ancient times, Earth precessed on its axis, and we don't know why!"  


    "I Will Cause the Earth to Nod Like A Hammock."    

    "I Will Shake the Heavens and Cause the Earth to Undulate." 

     ~~ God prophesying to ISAIAH, Chapters 24 and 13 of ~~ 

                        ~~ The Holy Bible ~~


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  • Thank you for your comments, Amy. Yes, I recall the ancient accounts by the 

    Roman (I think) historian, Pliny the Elder, recounting his own historical research 

    handed down by the ancient Egyptian priests, and the testimony of Egyptian

    survivors of the last Planet X passage, around 1,650 B.C.:

    "In days past, the movement of 

    the stars change. They are no longer constant. The stars are in confusion. 
    Then a great light appears redly in the skies. When blood drops upon the Earth,

    the Destroyer is passing. Mountains will open up and belch forth fire and smoke.

    Oceans will be swallowed up by the land, and the seas will boil. Then shall the HIGH

    strive with the low. When those days come, men will fly in the air as birds, and

    swim in the sea as fishes. Men will be as women, and women as men. These

    will be the days when children will turn grey-headed."  

       ~~ Paraphrased from the Kolbrin (secular) Bible ~~ 


  • Yes indeed John ... there are several accounts of the days standing still, or of the stars swiming in a different direction.   I was just checking out your home page ... Greetings :) 
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