Economy News for Fri 7 Jan 2011

Self Reliance And Survival
Regulators Close Florida Bank; 1st For The Year
Slow Growth In Jobs Shows Challenge Ahead
Consumers Boost Borrowing In November
Bernanke:  4-5 Years To Reach Normal Unemployment
Confirmed:  We Are Literally On The Brink Of Catastrophic Collapse
Not For Profit (Mogambo Guru)

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  • Here's a key phrase out of the article, Confirmed: We Are Literally On The Brink Of Catastrophic Collapse

    It’s a Catch 22 and there’s no way out.

    Defaulting on or inflating away our debt are the only viable solutions. Both of these will lead to the same end - a complete and total collapse of the way of life Americans have become used to.

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