Here's The Real Unemployment Rate
The American dream myth: Income mobility; 4 out of 5 Americans struggle with poverty, joblessness, or go on welfare at some point during their lives; and bottom 80 percent of Americans control 7 percent of total wealth
The uneasiness of Quantitative Easing: How QE is ineffective with helping the broader economy in favor of boosting support for too big to fail banks
Detroit files for bankruptcy while S&P 500 hits record high: The bifurcation of the American economy and the long decline of the American manufacturing base
Sudden Dollar Weakness Tapers Early Euphoria, Sends Market Sliding And Spikes Gold
If Housing Is Booming - Why Do We Need Another Fix
Bank of England 0.5% Interest Rates for 7% Unemployment, to Result in 7% Inflation, Ongoing Savings Theft