Economy News for Tues 28 Dec 2010

After Holiday Spree, Doubts About Economy Linger
Dow Finishes Up, Nasdaq Down Amid Thin Trading
2 Charts Which Tell The Whole Story
If You Haven't Bought Silver Yet, Read This
Energy, Agriculture, Gold And Silver Bullion--Protectors From The Coming Crisis
Baby Boomers Retirements In Jeopardy
US Changes How It Measures Long-Term Unemployment
Consumer Confidence Shows Surprise Drop In December
Oil Prices Climb On US, European Weather Woes
Ex-Shell President Sees $5 In 2012

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  • That's reptilians for ya!  ;-)
  • There was a program on ( can't remember which station) the other day that hubby was watching telling about how the crash was caused.  There were several different ways that caused the crash including fast money making schemes which the elite knew it would be good for them short term, but eventually BAD for the economy.  They knew it would do in the economy, BUT THEY DID IT ANYWAYS!!! And these new money making schemes all transpired in the past several years.  They did it anyways without a freaking care in the world. Jerks.
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