Food for thought: Which are one are you?

Are you more of a compassionate warrior, or, a dark side warrior?  See here:

Qualities of a Compassionate Warrior

1. believes yourself to be worthwhile;
2. is committed to treating others with caring and compassion;
3. is willing to examine and learn from mistakes; 
4. invests in truth and seeks out the higher levels of consciousness;
5. has the commitment to set achievable goals and the energy to carry them out;
6. believes yourself to have an integral place in the universal order;
7. has faith and trust in a Higher Power...

Qualities of a dark side warrior:

8. hides your true identity; 
9. believes others are enemies or that some people are okay and others are not;
10. blames, criticizes or judges others and/or yourself and/or is an elitist; 
11. isolates yourself and/or limits your potential;
12. is controlling, resistant and/or defensive to feedback from others;
13. discounts the opinions and emotions of others;
14. leaves relationships when conflict arises?

"The Compassionate Warrior, drawing on humanity’s greatest wisdom, has learned to: 1. Transcend primitive impulses to fight or flee (i.e. the stress/survival reaction); 2. Use underlying psychological survival issues that have fueled destructive warrior activities as the impetus to develop wisdom that enhances life; and 3. Honor the Essence within the self and in all other living things. This way of being involves the developing of mastery in the mysterious art of synergizing the various human energy systems: intellect, emotions, the body and spirit. Its ways are extraordinary, exemplified by an open-heart and faith in oneself and/or the Divine. The attributes of items 1 - 7 are among its typical manifestations.

The Dark Side Warrior, on the other hand, is dominated by the baser instincts. Its ways are aggressive and self-protective, driven by survival imperatives that are not necessarily reality-based. This inner warrior’s thinking is linked, biologically, to a savage past that depended upon cunning and/or brute force to stay alive. Today this formidable force can still bubble caustically beneath a civilized countenance in each one of us. The characteristics of items 8 - 14 are manifestations of the Dark Side Warrior’s mode."

"The Compassionate Warrior uses its primitive might in a fashion that almost inexplicably springs forth from the Essence, that part of us with which we are born that embodies our spirit and purity. Drawing on primeval powers, originating in the Essence to consciously enhance and look out for the Essence, the Compassionate Warrior is intent on following a path that is illuminated by the source of all life, the Divine. Thus the Compassionate Warrior serves the Essence on its way to wholeness and beyond into the transformation to the Higher Self, the entity that represents the various energy systems working together in their purest forms. 

The Dark Side Warrior is, conversely, limited by an antiquated resistance that interferes with health as well as the evolution of consciousness. Its ways are unyielding and unimaginative as this warrior still allows primitive animal instincts to rule the personality to its disadvantage and the detriment of others, rather than utilizing its strength to realize the greatness of which humanity is capable. This entity obscures the fundamental goodness and beauty of the Essence. Thus darkness is subsidized with the body, mind and spirit picking up the tab."


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  • The purpose of The New Horizons support network and Small Zones of Peace Project:

    "Dedicated to helping community members realize health, wholeness, compassion, honesty and simplicity in all aspects of their lives. Initially, our major work was to help participants overcome personality and relationship addictions and other relationship dilemmas (i.e. co-dependency problems etc.), thereby fostering emotional and psychological health."

  • "What a great thread"

    Thanks Dianna!

    There is so much more to add to this thread however it would take volumes.  There is information out there that most colleges do not teach about human relationships.  Schools (high schools/colleges) need to be teaching this stuff.  I am very fortunate to be learning these skills that actually make sense.

    Any how, just to touch a bit on this, some of these common sense theories about relationships/psychology come from a Psychiatrist by the name of Martin G. Groeder, M.D.  His idea is that (dark side) addictions (these addictions can be physical or emotional) develop out of biological survival-based reactions in survivor-type individuals.  More of these theories relating to what make people tick individually are described in the book "Surviving addictions: Transforming the Rebellious/Survivor Inner child" by Marcia Anastasia Rosen-Jones.

    Other blogs written by Ms Rosen-Jones

  • What a great thread.. I hope I am more compassionate, and only have a problem with #9, as there are a couple of famous people who I do not resonate with. And, like Mariana, I am very passive, and would give you the blouse off my back, but don't hurt my family... I turn into a monster.
  • Right Mariana.  I think all who have more traits of the compassionate warrior would jump to the basic survival instincts to protect themselves or loved ones from threats.   IMO this is not a "bad" thing.

    Another "dark side" quality I do have is sometimes I can be defensive to feedback.  Of course if the feedback I receive I know is wrong about me, I can become defensive about it.  And yes I think most everyone has the quality of seeing that some people are okay and others are not (a judgmental quality?).  

    At least when I go through the list I also can see I have all 7 traits of the compassionate warrior and very few of the dark side.  Yay!  

    IMO things like this needs to be taught in schools as this has to do with relationships to other people and it should be known as people can actually see what they need to work on.  

    I am currently mentoring under Ms. Rosen who is a trained psychologist/psychotherapist/relationship therapist (40 years experience).  I am doing this for many reasons, including learning to handle and to mitigate a certain abusive situation I am stuck in.  I hope to reach a college level expertise in this field through this opportunity that has been God sent.

    BTW there is so much more information I am learning.  I plan on sharing what I learn.  I have charts also to share once they are scanned in I will post here.

  • I have all 7 treats of the compassionate warrior, but I still think that there are some great people and some are not so great.  I'm allthough kind of a lone wolf, so I tend to be alone, and enjoy it most of the time.

    But the "darkest" treat I have is that if I my loved ones are threatened by someone or something, the Neanderthal in me will spring out and would became lethal, if nessesary.  When there is an emergency, I act on pure instinct.


  • As 3D entities (at this point in time) I think we probably all have a mix of both light (compassionate) and dark aspects.

    I would definitely be more on the compassionate side than the dark - still much to learn.

    I wonder if others think (as I do) that it is possible to learn and change any of these qualities during any one earth lifetime or are they traits we are born and die with?

  • I'm a blend, more compassionate than dark. 

  • I have all of the qualities of the compassionate warrior.  However since I am an introvert, I tend to isolate myself (which is a quality on the dark side).  So I would consider myself as a compassionate warrior.

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