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Excellent article, I know it is not easy Kim but try to keep your stress level down. Gardening is very good medicine.
Good. That's a start! If you can, plant some things in containers that can move with you, if you have to move before harvest, so there will be something.
Thanks Cheryl, I will. Even when the for sale sign goes up, I will still carry the intent of staying. :(....
I did plant some onion bulbs that my dad gave me the other day.
I can only imagine what happened.
Kim, even if you leave before the gardening season is done, just the act of planting it is planting intentions to stay. Don't give up. Act like you intend to stay. Miracles can happen. It will also take your mind off your woes and provide a nice bonding time with your daughter. No matter where you end up, she will experience planting a garden and the time she got to spend with you in that spring/summer of 2014. Who knows, it could become her fondest memory. Make it a good one. Take advantage of every opportunity.
At the present time, it is a time of grief (and stress) for my daughter and I.
Kim, sounds like the start of a new adventure. But be sure to spend time gardening!
This year I will be planting not as much as I anticipate I will not have the time due to being forced to get a job or the house will sell. Either one. My gardening days are about over and so is much of my life the way I know it now.
Nice article Cheryl. We start planting here about May first in Wisconsin. And here near the cold lake we sometimes can't plant tell June 1!