
  • It appears that this web site is dedicated to various kinds of geological and meteorological events 

    that are of concern. There are so many threats outlined on this site, that it would require numerous 

    concerned researchers such as us to follow individual threats, one person on each event. I have 

    not spoken to the proprietor of this site (linked above), but he would welcome such involvement. 

    So, I thought that persons following this forum might care to visit this site and track and report on 

    one or two of the threats which are listed regularly. It would be a way for concerned people like us 

    to work toward the goal of alerting others so that they might prepare and protect themselves by 

    storing essential supplies, and by communing with God, if they feel so inspired. 

  • Quick question:
    Is the site strictly dedicated to Earthquakes?.....and have you taken a moment to speak with Joe he handles the post regarding Solar activity and Earthquake activity here on this site.  You can also touch base with people like Brian, Sizzle, Cheryl, The Shadow....there are many many more knowledgeable people on this site but those where the first 4 that came to mind.
  • What kind of help are you looking for, John?
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