Good news, if it doesn't change its mind.  Article on  I'm on a tablet and haven't figured out how to copy and paste.  Another headline says Charleston SC was slammed with flooding. is reporting the Carolinas, which has already recived up to 10 inches, will be receiving upwards of 12 inches over the next several days.

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  • ,22 rain today, .18 tomorrow.  Clearing on Monday.

    Byron wilkins said:

    Cheryl what kind of forecast is there for your area ?

    Cheryl Nelson said:

    I hope not, too

  • Cheryl what kind of forecast is there for your area ?

    Cheryl Nelson said:

    I hope not, too

  • I hope not, too

  • Looks like HAARP is still trying to steer the Hurricane back to shore. hope the hurricane is not listening.

  • Carolinas already received 10, will get up to 12 inches more.

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