HI Everyone,

First, I want to thank again, everyone who joined in the Emergency ECC Group Meditation/Intention on Friday evening.

It was a wonderful gift to me, and I feel we made a difference with our action.

There had been interest expressed in doing this again.  And I want to do this, too.

Personally, I can see a need for this increasing these group actions, as the events around us unfold.

I sent out emails and placed notice yesterday for feedback from people as to what would be a good time

for the next ECC Group Meditation/Intentions, and I did not receive much feedback.

I think this is because everyone's lives are very full.  With the earthquake in Japan, for many of you, this is kicking your preparations into high gear.  So, you may have even less time to be online, and to participate in something like this, even if you want to.  

I find I want to include people in deciding how to proceed with these special ECC Group Meditation/intention, especially with how to notify people when one is being called short notice, versus one planned a bit in advance.

I also want to point out that while this is a spiritual/energetic action, and it can be religious for anyone who holds any particular religion in their hearts, this is more accurately, a co-creative action, a unified channelling of our hearts to be magnified, focussed and directed in a powerful way, together.

I wanted to say this, because I think some people may feel this is a religious action.  While it can be for people who are religious, it is also a secular action, for people who are secular.  This is an action that takes into account much of what our emerging sciences have been learning over the last decade, or two.

Now to ask for your advice:

When I called the first Emergency ECC Group Meditation/Intention, we were taking advantage of an energy that was already building, and I needed to get the word out quickly and short notice.  So, I posted notice essentally everywhere I could think of on the Ning.  This included multiple emails as I clarified the process, on the fly.  For all my friends, if you feel bombarded by my emails, I apologise.  And I hope you understand.

This worked for that time, however, I am concerned that to do this on an ongoing basis, the notice blitz may very well be just too much, for most people.

First, I would like to get Ideas from anyone interested as to how you would recommend I do this in the future.  Then, from these ideas, depending on what I get, I may ask for a vote from the ECC community. 

In the meantime, we will have another ECC Group Meditation/Intention tonight, for the people in Japan, and along the Pacific Ring, but also, for the energies in the Madrid area, including Chicago, and the American West Coasts.  I would also like to include New York in this, as well.  And the nuclear fall out, too.

There is much to indicate that energy is building in these places.  I imagine it is possible that we could channel the expression of this energy in creative ways, in intentions of mitigating potential destruction before it happens.  We may never really know if what we do works, but, I feel to try to do something in this way is worth the effort, just in case.


I am waiting for some feedback from a couple of people, then I will post the time for tonight's ECC Group Meditation/Intent around the Ning.  I hope to do this by 1000 MST, which I believe is noon EST, and 0900 PST.

Please let me know what you think.  Your feedback to me is helpful.

Thanks everyone, for your love, your time and your hearts.


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  • Glad to read that she is back home again - I wrote you what you should do to support her...
  • Thanks for posting this Thomas.  I've not heard from anyone else, so for now, I'm going to table this, and if there seems to be more interest generated, then we can pull this idea forward.


    Thanks again, for your prayers for my niece.  She's home now.  But, in a very difficult emotional state.  We continue to work closely with her.

  • I agree with everything you are saying.  And you're expressing many of the reasons why I have been doing what I am doing.

    I like your idea, it is very strong.

    Will you do me a favor?  I'm going to be

    away from my computer the rest of the day.

    Will you post this idea in the ECC Meditation Blog

    And also, the discussion where I asked people for advice.

    Maybe, this will help generate a discussion about your ideas.

    Have a good day, Thomas, talk with soon,

    love, e

    From Thomas Seis to edina
    Sent 8 hours ago

    Hi Edina,

    thanks for the wishes... I had a creative and productive night.

    I think everybody of us is a own small creator of reality (God has given us this power) so if we join together to create one and the same reality, we will succeed. But as long as people are creating so many and different realities it will be much work to do to get a peaceful and harmonic Mother Earth...

    Remember, we cannot change what is going on at the moment (it is the result of our creations), but we can change what will happen from now on - and together we are stronger...

    Please think about that: Is it possible to start a very big and strong meditation in USA at noon, and everywhere in the world people can join at noon, too, and link in this energy, produced by this meditation from USA and strengthen it more and more...

    Light and Love,

    stay well and be blessed


  • HI everyone,

    For everyone who wants to do the ECC  Group Meditation/Intention  I've decided to do this one today at

    1900 EDT

    1800 CDT

    1900 MDT

    2000 PDT


    which is midnight for most of Europe.

    I'll use the chat again for the final minutes countdown.

    For any nonmembers who are reading this and want to participate in this.  You will not be able to see, or hear the ChatRoom bell and notice.  So, please just sinc your clocks to that time, and join us.  Your energy will be welcomed, and felt.

    See everyone in the ECC Meditation Blogspace. 

    Thanks to everyone for you ideas here, love, e


  • hello edina,

    i did answer your email short after I had received it from you (appr. 13:30 MET). pls check your spam/junk folder... for me it is ok to meditate around midnight, but later i have to sleep my night is short... the most people in Europe will not be able to wait until midnight to participate at the meditation...

    Now it is 22:10 MET.

  • Here's what I've decided on the timing for tonight.


    1700 MST  it's a bit earlier for some people, but, I really want Thomas, and other people from Europe to be able to participate.  I think it may still be a bit late for Thomas, but perhaps doable.  I haven't heard back from him, yet.


    It's smack dab in the middle of sunset time here, and this in when I put my animals to bed.  I'll ask my husband to take care of the animals.  I'm sure he won't mind.  And maybe he'll finish in time to join us.  :-)


    I'll give this another half hour, or so.  And if there are no real objections I'll post this in the ECC Meditation Blog,

    Cheryl, at that point, then maybe you can do your thing.  I really like that approach!!!!

  • yeah Dianna, happy happy face to you :-)

    Dianna Spencer said:
    count me in.. any time good... just post, as I will be checking here often... thanks... love you... all...
  • Cheryl, I like your ideas, I would feel much better about it happening this way.


    Soleil, very cool idea, so many people are wired into technology in a way I do not yet understand.  I would not even begin to know how to use the text system. 


    Are there any ideas from anyone about how we could set up, maybe a text message intention tree, so people can know when an special ECC intention event is going on?

  • Any chance of text message for those of us not at home? Of course that would require someone trustworthy having our phone number. Blessings to all..
  • Isn't Germany 6 hours ahead of east coast time?  That would be 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. for Germany.

    I suggest on short notice we can post something top middle of the main page as well as sent out a broadcast message to the entire ning.  This sends emails to members' non-ning email addresses so will reach more people.

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