
  • In Wisconsin it has been in the high 90's for several weeks with high humidity making it feel about 110.  But for the next two weeks it will be the same with a 100 for tomorrow.  But in Chicago today (Sun) they haf 90 mile per hour winds that knocked out power and there were 300,000 with out power and it is even hotter there then in Wis.  There have been reports of 3 seprate windstorm in the 90 MPH range knocking out power and killing people for the last 4 days.  Now the question is how do you prep for the heat when you are not use to it, or just plane old?  These are some of the things that we will be faceing when PX or whatever knocks out the power to most of the world.  And have you noticed that everything that the Z's said would happen during the PS are actualy happening now?  Masive fires, high winds, High heat, or extream cold?

    Right now my grass is so dry that it crunches when you walk on it!  And we have no rain in site for the next two weeks.  Water here runs a little over $100 per month.  So no one waters their grass.  The entire neighbor hood keeps the grass well cut and I cut mine to 1 inch befor the heat came.  Wish I had waited. 

  • I had  couple of days at 108 in Australia and many days at over 100, when I was visiting. it is like a hot flame against the body. over there though it is a very dry heat normally, and far easier tk bear. but where Tammy is with the humidity, quite frankly I would spend the day under a cold shower,!!!!  but then are there any cold showers even? I suppose owning a butchers shop would be a godsend .

  • when we had a hot spell some years ago, in the high eighties--- please don't laugh---  some butchers allowed people to walk in out of the street into the big freezers to cool down. I cannot begin to imagine how it is where you are Tammy, beyond belief.

  • Herein Louisiana it is in the triple digits with the humidity factored in.  It is the same in Mississippi where I am moving too as well.

  • the important element is taking fear out of the equation. once we have a level of security, lats say enough freeze dried food for so many months, is one way, basic essentials mots important items of hygiene, tissues, soap  toothpaste, again for six months and then if we have a point of exit if events erupt so we can't live where we are, these alone will go along long way to helping us sleep at night. I can take to the hills and will do so, if chaos arrives here, and staying is not an option. families need to make a joint effort. but then when all is done again take pleasure in the woods and hills and g forget about  the preps. . there's a lot of fear being stoked over so called planet x, financial collapse. but we forget how enormously capable most communities are in coping whatever happens. I hope its not too hot where you both are and you are both safe.

  • Well said, Weiynala.

  • Yes prepping is worth it!!!  I live in Hurricane country and if not for the storms then for bad times.

  • I agree totally my point though, is, gt well prepared mentally spiritually and materially, thne forget about it I am against living in the mentality of constant preparedness. the whole basis of being prepared is to have security. but once you have security, leave it at that and get on with life.  some seem to love in a fortress mentality, , but the world will still be there if anything big comes down the road.

  • Nicholas,
    I don't think that prepping necessarily has anything to with how severe a change can occur, be it cataclysmic or simply a disruption of power for 3 days, prepping has more to do with a sense of security and a surity in knowing that whatever may come can be overcomed....Just my thoughts. 
  • I've not read the activist post article , maybe later, but the thought, rather question is prepping worth it has often crossed my mind. all the channels from Matthew through Suzy ward-- whom I think is excellent and now have all four books-- to Tolec all say really cataclysmic scenario is definitely not on the cards. My own intuition says whilst some major major changes are coming, it will not be anywhere near as bad as some pundits who seems it have devoted their  life to the doom and catastrophic model seem to think.   I am not a pessimists, not in the least and so far my thoughts are on Tolec, Kimmel Drake and a few others of like mind. I think we should cheer up and enjoy the glories and beauties of Mother Earth, , she will approve of that. Give Gaia a great big hug from me.  Be prepared by all means then forget about it. don't live in the mental framework of preparedness, as you miss the glories of existence that way.

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