
  • Oklahoma Federal Bldg. bomb was an ammonium nitrate bomb too.  It barely blew out the front of the federal bldg, with the help of Federal Agents PLANTING several bombs of their own throughout the bldg.  Never even brought one bldg. down all the way.  I guess they think we're ALL stupid.  I'm sticking to MY theory of a tactical nuke being dropped on the nitrate warehouse.  Big hole in ground, many buildings leveled, glass blown out for blocks and blocks.  Many people killed also injured.  Has anyone checked out the radiation figures in the area?  They can't get rid of ALL of it, if it were a nuke.

  • That has been said about the Luceferian cabal, that they actually are required to give notice.  Strange practice.

    Martin Oliver Cloonan said:

    Bit of a strange coincidence that it occurred during the 75th Anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August)!

    They like to give hints because of their arrogance and pride?!

  • Bit of a strange coincidence that it occurred during the 75th Anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August)!

    They like to give hints because of their arrogance and pride?!

  • My take is it was a small tactical Nuke.  Low yield, low radiation, etc.  Used near the harbor where rockets from Hezbolah (Iran) were being stored for use against least that is one story floating around......a bomb does appear to have been dropped.....

  • I think someone is attempting to frame Israel to create a war in the Middle East.

    Also very strange that the news keeps saying ammonium nitrate exploded...

    Cheryl Nelson said:

    Speculation, at this point.  However, Israel has the motivation to do it.  And when I say Israel, I mean the Zionist faction.

    Kim B said:

    Are they sure it was Israel?  There is prophecy saying a nuke will go off in the middle east and it is Iran that would send it.

  • Israel is no stranger to terrorist attacks against its neighbors while claiming they were going to attack Israel.

  • Speculation, at this point.  However, Israel has the motivation to do it.  And when I say Israel, I mean the Zionist faction.

    Kim B said:

    Are they sure it was Israel?  There is prophecy saying a nuke will go off in the middle east and it is Iran that would send it.

  • Seemed so to me, too.  I wondered why the mushroom cloud didn't last as long.  One explanation was that the nuclear process did not complete, a sort of malfunction.  If it had fully functioned, Beirut would no longer exist. 

    Kim B said:

    The blast did appear to be nuclear.  I've seen enough videos from decades ago of nuclear weapons testing.  I suspected a small dirty bomb.

  • Are they sure it was Israel?  There is prophecy saying a nuke will go off in the middle east and it is Iran that would send it.

  • The blast did appear to be nuclear.  I've seen enough videos from decades ago of nuclear weapons testing.  I suspected a small dirty bomb.

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