Lecture : Timeline to 2012 By Ivan Stein

I  came  across this lecture  quite  by  accident.  It  touches  on many  pertinent  subjects and  ventures  to  explain or  at  least make  sense of  some  of  the phenomena and  hypotheses we ourselves are  looking  to  answer  and understand.


I  enjoyed  the  way  he  went  about  presenting  his  findings and   his  speculations.  I  thought  I  would  share  it  with all of  you.  It is  an  18  video  series  and  the link provided is  for the  playlist


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  • My  pleasure  ladies  :D
  • Thanks for sharing this link. Very interesting. I also watched one of the presentations on manifestation.  Ivan does an excellant job explaining much.  Thanks again.Patti L

  • Yes indeed it is and  it will.  However,  so  well  worth  it.


    another one to add that is also very interesting:


    Mayan 2012 Secrets Revealed pt01 18.flv
  • Thanks, DR.  This is going to take some time to go through and xmas madness is here! 
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