earthquakes (9)
Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed
This hour long program by David Wilcom, interviewing a Forbes insider, at was very worth the time to either read or watch... This is a Red Alert! type of program that will absolutely curl your toes... Seems the sheeple are fighting
Read more…If You Had The Opportunity To Choose Your Safe Location Anywhere In The World What Would It Be ?
This is not a childish or futile exercise in fantasy. I value the
opinions of all here and I would like to get a discussion going.
you all had a choice of going anywhere in the world you chose to create
a safe place for yourself and your loved ones
Shakers Are Piling Up
"Periodically quake data are "adjusted" by USGS. For example, in
rechecking statistics for 2007, USGS had previously noted 5 mag. 8.0-9.9
events. Now it shows 4. When this occurs
Over 250 SIGNIFICANT Earthquakes Shook The World In The Past 7 Days
In the past seven days there have been more than 258 recorded earthquakes of a magnitude higher than 4.5 on the Richter's scale. Chile alone has already experienced 81 aftershocks at a rate of 4 per hour since the first big earthquake of 8.8 struck o
Read more…Chilling Earthquake Facts
Thoughts to ponder from Captain Nibiru's group:
March 04 2010
NASA tells us the earth has moved three inches on its "figure axis" as a
result of the Chile earthquake - enough to shorten the length of a day
by an apparently minuscule one millionth of
San Diego Booms--Earthquakes Or Skyquakes?
"Mysterious booms were also heard this week in Arkansas City, Kansas and in parts of Oklahoma. The booms were loud enough to shake the earth and register on the Richter Scale. "E