years (7)

ASHTAR SPEAKS: Who is protecting Earth? How does Ascension Occur? What are true Lightworker Missions? Can You Live on Earth When She is Being Healed? How does Lightworking Manifest All Desires?

Who is protecting Earth?
How does Ascension Occur?

What are true Lightworker Missions? 
Can You Live on Earth When She is Being Healed?
How does Lightworking Manifest All Desires?


               ....we are not YET

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Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded) [Information for Names of Ships, Ascension Into Your Ship, Your Shipside Jobs, + More]

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments
(“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix
crowbirchsong (((at))) yahoo (((dot)))com

Trinity intones in Mat

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