Mainstream website video about The Disclosure Project

MSN has this link to an interesting video about The Disclosure Project.  Actually, very interesting especially appearing on the MSN website -- purposely?  Is it the time for the government to let out that aliens are already here?  Ah, but we know that...

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  • So, this video could be more leakage... the slow raising of awareness on ETs.  It's obvious the gov't knows, but the question remains: are they in contact with the good guys or the bad guys?  With the way this country is going, it seems like the bad guys, esp. if what we've heard is true, that our gov't made agreements with ETs in exchange for technology.  Agreements that gave certain ETs the right to abduct American citizens in exchange for technology.  When disclosure happens, will the US Gov't be unveiling bad ETs to us and presenting them as good?  There is so much unknown surrounding disclosure that I have mixed feelings about it. 

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