A few crashing satalites mean nothing if the flare is intense enough and considering that if the passage occurs our magnetic field would be either eratic or depleted, the flare could simply boil the oceans and kill off all life on the planet. Talk about being the barer of bad tidings :) I for one hope that the high drama ends relatively quickly but it can concievably last years if not decades.
Kim, this later date would buy us some time to get trees planted, start up permaculture/food forests, and learn more skills, I feel the need for more skills.... :-)
Kim, this later date would buy us some time to get trees planted, start up permaculture/food forests, and learn more skills, I feel the need for more skills.... :-)
Anything could happen as a recent prophetic messages that came through this month state that 2013 is of great importance and we will see major earth disasters starting midnight 2012 through to 2016.
edina said:
"But much of the damage could be minimised if it was known in advance that the storm was approaching.
Putting satellites in 'safe mode' and disconnecting transformers could protect them from damaging electrical surges."