This blog covers basic ning information and also describes how this particular ning site is configured.
You cannot comment on a post unless you are logged in. Occasionally, the system logs you out, so if you don't see a Comment or Reply box beneath a Blog or Discussion, then log in again.
There are three columns: left, middle, and right. Each column contains different modules. The main ones are: on the left, the Blog module; in the center, the Latest Activity module; and on the right, the Discussion Forum module.
You can create a blog or discussion post from at least 3 different places:
1. At the top of the Latest Activity module are links to post a blog, add a discussion, photos, or video.
2. At the bottom of the Blogs module there is a link "Add a Blog Post" (or at the bottom of the Discussion Forum there is a "Start a Discussion" link on the left).
3. Opposite those links, on the right side of each module, you can see all prior Blog posts (or Discussions) by clicking "View All."
4. "My Page" is your personal profile page and it is accessed from the navigational bar at the top of the main page. You can change the appearance of this page to whatever suits you. You also have links (at the top of your personal Latest Activity) from where you can post a blog, discussion, picture or video.
In the Recent Activity section, if it says David G replied to such and such blog, if you click on David G, you go to his personal page; if you click on Reply or Comment, it takes you to his reply or comment; if you click on the title of the blog, it takes you to the blog.
If you posted a reply within a discussion you have 15 minutes to edit it. Just click on Edit. This won't work with a comment on a Blog. The only thing you can do to edit a comment to a Blog is copy your comment, paste it in the Comment box, edit and save, then delete the old comment.
To upload a picture, first "Add a Blog Post" or "Add a Discussion" then click on the blue icon just above the text box, in the bar where are the rich-text formatting tools are (bold, italics, etc.). To upload a file, click on the page icon just to the right of the camera. You can also upload pictures to your personal page. (MyPage in the navigational bar at the top of the page.) Once on MyPage, go down the left column and click on photos. The "Add Photos" link is just to the left, even with the top of the right column.
What is the difference between a discussion and a blog? Discussions have more tools for the replies. You can edit your reply (within 15 minutes) and you can respond to a specific reply which causes it to copy the reply beneath your response so people don't have to try and find it when they read your response. Also, there are organizational tools such as being able to categorize discussions, plus keyword searches within a category. Blogs don't have those functionalities so you have to do keyword searches (main page, top right). It is required that you use the Reply function directly under the Reply to which you are responding. This copies the original reply and makes it easier to track the different replies and their responses.
The first section in the right column of the Main page is your personal module and has links to your Inbox, Alerts, Friends and Settings. Click on Inbox to pick up your ning emails. These emails cannot be forwarded to your outside email so you need to reply to them from your ning account. Email alerts are sent to your private outside email address as well. We don't bombard you with everyday news items. We expect you to check in. But we will send out notices to alert you to important items and these also appear in your outside email. There are settings to control whether you want these alerts or emails sent to your outside email. Click on the Settings link, then click on email to control these features. At the very bottom of the email page, you can opt to receive no emails.
There are lots of great older blogs and discussions. You can use the search feature at the top right (to the right of the sign-out link) of the Main page or click on the "view all" link at the end of the blog or discussion section OR by clicking on blog or forum at the top in the menu. Whichever way will give you a reverse chronological list (newest on top) of all blogs and discussions.
Enjoy yourself, make friends, figure out how to survive the crazy times coming, and most of all...learn how to manage fear ...there is more chance you and your family will survive if you get over fear and prepare for the uncertain future.