I know many Starseeds are sensitive to light. We have an aversion to bright artificial lighting.
Even sunlight can be harsh to my eyes. With all the eye changes 'Ive been going through due to ascension, this sensitivity has gotten more pronounced. I mostly do my errands now after sun down because of this problem.
I have to wear sunglasses all the time now.
Anybody else have this problem?
The harsh fluorescent lighting in stores, restaurants, office buildings etc is making me sick
$1600 per eye to remove cataracts in order to see is a real health problem. I can't see better with LED lighting at all.
Bill said:
W/new Led Lighting the spectrum is even cut down more, insane way of causing more Health troubles!
I actually stopped wearing sunglasses about 10yrs ago.
It kinda started when I was in Hawaii I was wearing them but when suntanning you get no tan around your eyes like Pres., Trump, circles around your eyes now I know that was back farther than ten yrs ago but it got me being able to not wear them all of the time!
I would start out morning gassing at the Sun just as it comes up for a min! Too difficult then put some thin trees inline.
Yes Fluorescent lights suck the life out of people mostly due to the Frequency they operate at 60cycles or 50cycles per other countries
Most not all of the ailments of the body are caused by not getting the full spectrum of the Sun! Can supplement with Blacklights!
Light, Radiation, and You: How to Stay Healthy Hardcover – 1982
Depending on the lighting. And in bright sunlight I do need sunglasses. Not as bad as you have it Taygeta.
Since I was young when I walked into the sun I sneezes it was from squinting. Right now the sun is much worse than it has ever been. The UV numbers are higher than ever. I recently saw an article about the new street lights with pixels is going to give people cataracts. That sucks
People that don't know me think I'm sitting in the dark, when it's sunset and there is still plenty of light coming in the window.
Taygeta Star said:
That's nice and soothing and cool.
Taygeta Star said:
I've been photo sensitive for over 30 years. I walked outside today and immediately it felt like the sun bit my arms. Fluorescent lighting is depressing.