
  • I think that his biggest problem is that he missed it, and he knows he did. He said 2003, and it has been documented. The NEAT comet was passing by in 2003, it was a biggie that a lot of people missed. Good job on NASA's part to keep it on the down low. like what their doing now, or trying to. The NEAT comet was huge.
  • I noticed he was talking about 2003, but still he was most convincing. Wouldn't hurt to know what he's thinking/believing these days... now that so much is going on around the world.

  • It confirms that indeed PX is coming and to prepare for it. If there were cold temperature after the passage of PX, we must make sure we have appropriate clothing.

  • John DiNardo said:

    Yet, as the time of destruction draws near, it is these devils who are  

    now beginning to flee in fear, while those who pursue God's Spirit of love will be

    (I believe) supernaturally protected.


    I agree.


  • That was Mark Hazlewood, who was the only person talking about Planet X 

    way back in 2000 to 2003. Since then, he has become opposite in his stance. 

    He now refuses to even talk about Planet X. The national intelligence apparatus 

    has ways of crushing people, both by fear and by mind control. I'm sorry to 

    say this, but we all need to know the magnitude of the dangers we face from the 

    men who will kill more readily over this issue than over any other issue under 

    the Sun. Yet, as the time of destruction draws near, it is these devils who are  

    now beginning to flee in fear, while those who pursue God's Spirit of love will be

    (I believe) supernaturally protected.

  • I sure would like to meet him.
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