Recycling and Repurposing

The aftertimes will be a time of recycling as a matter of survival. The Zetas have already advised us to go to a junkyard and learn all we can about how to fix and reuse things.

Along this line, learning the many other ways many things can be used (repurposing) would be a prudent course of action.

This link is good, in not only acquainting us with common, inexpensive foods (which is the cheapest and healthiest way to build your food storage, and for which you should get seeds, learn to grow, and get accustomed to eating to make a smoother transition into the aftertimes), but there are links which show other uses of different, common items. The one about the egg membrane is great...who would've known? And the uses of pantyhose...don't throw them away, they have so many different uses.

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