Report An Issue

Currently, the link to report an issue is unavailable. If you have a complaint or criticism, send a private email to any moderator or the ning owner. It is never appropriate to air complaints or criticisms publically. If you notice one, notify a moderator immediately (with the link) and it will be dealt with as soon as possible.


It is helpful to the moderators to get a screen shot of the offending post (with link to the blog or discussion it was posted to) before you delete it and post it here so the mods can pick it up (since you can't attach anything to ning mail).  This way we will know what is going on and can evaluate if the person should be suspended or not. 


Remember, if you own (created) the blog or discussion where an offensive post is made, you have the power to delete the offending post.  You do not need permission to moderate your own blog.


Currently, our Group moderators are Kim B for the Catholic group, Paris for the Kolbrin Bible group, Coedwig for the All Other Religions group. For everything else, contact the ning owner, Cheryl Nelson. Make sure we are on your friends' list so you can email us.

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