
  • Cool! Well I like Awesome too! Awesome!!

  • I have The Magic Presence now, but still working on Yogananda's book. 

  • Awesome.

    Bill said:

    Third book is focusing on The "I AM" Discourses just rec'd it and the fourth book.

  • Third book is focusing on The "I AM" Discourses just rec'd it and the fourth book.

  • Cool!

    Bill said:

    I have finished the second book is much more. The Way!

  • I have finished the second book is much more. The Way!

  • These Saint Germain Books are guild post in how things work!  Away of understanding how-to!

    Just as Sanat Kamara said in a recent channeling

    SB: I’m trying to avoid the massive disappointment that happened last time, as you know.  I’m trying not to have to go through that experience again collectively if we can avoid it.  That’s what’s happening.

    SK: And it is an excellent question.  So let us begin by suggesting to you that, no, this is not the first wave of ascension.  Many of you have been flying in and out of this portal.  And even if it were the first wave of ascension, those who go through that portal do not disappear.

    The ascension process is the ability to access in joy, manifest, and experience the numerically higher-dimensional realities beyond what you have thought of as linear existence.  The energies that have been penetrating your planet , sweet Gaia, particularly in September but with a very big build-up in August, and many of you will point to events, astrological events, the Tsunami of Love – it matters not.

    As we have said, the Masters, your star family, the Mother herself conjoined with the Father, the Archangelics, the Seraphim, and the Elohim – all of us have been sending a level of energy to each and every one of you that has been unsurpassed.  And this has been growing.

    Now you as human beings love dates.  You do not love disappointment when dates come and go.  So from our perspective there are times when dates are given.  The most recent in fact had been Michael’s Peace Initiative.

    It is a message to humanity that on or around that time that your frequencies are of an elevated nature that you may fully engage in the fifth, sixth, seventh dimension.  So you may think of it because people love to mark occasion.  September 28th is as good a date as any.  But let us also say September 17th is as good a date as ever.  November 8th is as good a day as ever.  It is a time frame, which you are moving within and the energies are there.  They have been given to all of you.

    Now this reference to  “a third will ascend,  well, might I even suggest that a third of you, at least a third of you have already been flowing in and out of the ascension portal.  So it is to those that are awake, aware and ready, they can say,  “alright, I have my party dress on or my dress slacks on and I’m prepared to go forward.  My bag is packed.”  But let me be clear.  You aren’t going anywhere.  You are upon Gaia for the ascension process.  You are ascending within your form.

    Now, what we guide to pay attention to, my sweet ascenders, is the expansion of your awareness, of your heart, of the knowing of love – the knowing and understanding, the growth of wisdom, of how things truly work and proceed.  So it is an opening within that also expresses in the without, in the collective and in your very life.

    So is it a moment in time when there is a snap?  We would suggest not.  The ignition has already been turned, but the value – because we do not wish to naysay in any way shape or form these wonderful channels that have brought this information forward in their guidance – is to give human beings that indicator that they so long for.  Is this clear to you because I wish to be extraordinarily clear on this matter?

  • This is why a person is not given knowledge before s/he is ready.  It's one reason why mass ascension doesn't make sense.  It's like starting junior high and suddenly being promoted to college.  All those soul lessons would be missing.  And can such soul maturation be artificially inseminated?  Would you even want it to be?

    Bill said:

    ChapterXI The True Messenger of Divine Service  from: THE MAGIC PRESENCE

    "There must be a very great sense of Spiritual Honor and Integrity in regard to the use of these Mighty Powers of the  'I AM Presence"; for the Great Law of Being does not permit them to be brought into our outer use except where it is for the accomplishment of permanent good. We must be aware at all times that whenever we use the Life, Substance and Power of this Universe for the mere gratification or pleasure of the senses, only misery and destruction can be the result."

    "The Mighty I AM Presence" works ceaselessly to build, release, express, and constantly expand Perfection in all Its Creative Activity, and permanently maintain Love, Peace, and constant Service to all. If the sensations of the body and the outer activity of the mind are permitted to run riot and interfere with the Divine Life Plan of the individual, disaster and failure are the result. The True Student of Light never, never uses his powers for the amusement and gratification of the senses, for exploitation of anyone's personality or to make money by producing phenomena."

  • ChapterXI The True Messenger of Divine Service  from: THE MAGIC PRESENCE

    "There must be a very great sense of Spiritual Honor and Integrity in regard to the use of these Mighty Powers of the  'I AM Presence"; for the Great Law of Being does not permit them to be brought into our outer use except where it is for the accomplishment of permanent good. We must be aware at all times that whenever we use the Life, Substance and Power of this Universe for the mere gratification or pleasure of the senses, only misery and destruction can be the result."

    "The Mighty I AM Presence" works ceaselessly to build, release, express, and constantly expand Perfection in all Its Creative Activity, and permanently maintain Love, Peace, and constant Service to all. If the sensations of the body and the outer activity of the mind are permitted to run riot and interfere with the Divine Life Plan of the individual, disaster and failure are the result. The True Student of Light never, never uses his powers for the amusement and gratification of the senses, for exploitation of anyone's personality or to make money by producing phenomena."

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