We just had the thunderstorm from hell. An hour of house-shaking thunder and brilliant lightning and pounding rain. And we didn't even get a severe weather alert from the virginia emergency email system until half-way through the storm, AFTER the laptop was turned off. WTH?
I sat by the front door and watched it. It was incredibly violent. Had to have been one of the worst ever that I've witnessed. The street lights went out twice. The inside lights stayed on, but blinked when the street lights went out the second time. They must be on a back-up generator or something, because they were back on within five minutes, both times.
And Ecuador has recently agreed to allow more oil drilling in their rainforest:
Byron wilkins said:
In the last couple years thunder storms have been increasing in intensity and many have spawned tornados where tornados seldom if ever happen, it is something to pay attention to. Dane Wittington says since weather has been manipulated for some years it has also probably changed weather patterns so expect the unexpected. He also said that if chemtrails were to be completely stopped weather would likely get worse and take a thousand years to return to normal. There are other things changing it like The Gulf oil spill slowing the Gulf stream and the rain forest and now Fukushima attacking sea life. As Cheryl mentioned earlier this week.
lets hope will go around us!
sick and tired of storms for the past tend days
Luckily the storms that came over me were not too bad. Just a lot of rain. However certain parts of northern VA/southern MD took a pounding.
I think you're right, Byron. So, then we are truly on our own. Everyone should have a tornado/severe weather shelter because there won't always be warnings.
Byron wilkins said:
Cheryl to answer that I just have to say yes they are manufactured. I also think that what was called weather modification has advanced to the science of weather manufacturing. I think the most visible sings of manufactured weather was the polar vortex's of last year with very strong HAARP heat signatures on the east and west coast with an opening in between that drew cold air from Canada that made weather chaotic. The same thing happened on April 8th being spring the outcome was different, cold air came down and Denver was hit with snow, warm air came up from the Gulf and created tornados all the way to Wisconsin. This was when we were warning our friend on this site if the dangerous weather coming.
I think that could mean that unpredictable storms are storms that have been created, rather than occur naturally. What do you think?
This area has been a continuous lack of accurate forecasts when they have to go past two days. Why does it rain for two days when they say it is going to be clear. Why does the weather caster say it is going to snow for the next ten days and it doesn't snow once. We now have people tampering with the weather so maybe they have changed the ability to predict.
Well, I don't know what we have, but we are on a private road out in the country, and they went out twice, but the house lights didn't. It happened twice.
And, yes, it was obvious they weather forecasters didn't see this storm coming. It started in my area around 9:10 p.m. and the first email warning about it was date stamped 9:48 p.m. One of the worst electrical storms ever, lasted for a good 45 minutes, and they didn't see it coming? How can that be? Is it the forecasting models are failing, or what?
Street lights have mercury vapor bulbs they need to heat up before they go on completely if they go out and come back on while they are still warm they flicker. They have the same power source your home has. The heat in the bulb will make them glow for a while even after your lights go out. The only reason I understand this is that I hung hundreds as a lineman and to test them I covered the photo cell that is there nature.
The occurrence of freak unpredicted storms happened twice here last year with two Electrical storms one ten hours and one twelve hours, both with only an hours warning and it was only a possibility of one happening. My landlord was going to fly his plane and was very stressed that this did not show up on the flight weather site. Too many times in the last couple years I have heard that people have had no warning for tornados.