Teaching real spiritual practices!

I am quite done with my main introduction of my spiritual practices. Now, it is just I am wanting to teach people how to use them.
It seems quite hard to get

the interest of peoples. Most peoples are willing to read but never going to try. Like you are presenting them some freebie and peoples don't take you serious because they don't feel like you are giving something useful to them.

On the other hand, I do already teaching peoples but only at China social site, some Chinese peoples are really into it and I have been in close watch of them.

So what I am seeing here is mainly social network function issue.

So far for non-chinese social network, I am using facebook and wikia. I do try to look into some other site like International Starseeds Network but without avail.

Anyway, I have a facebook closed group for my research and teaching.


It is called applied astraldynamics, the practices involve are pendulum programming, standing meditation (spontaneous qigong), sleeping meditation (astral projection) and sitting meditation, and in future , I am going to work with physical psychokinesis device. To say, I blend all these practices into one theory under the term astraldynamics. I am not selling them for any penny and anyone is free to use.

I assure, there has been no research like this that put many stuffs together. Right now, I am focusing on teaching peoples how to connect with their "another self / spirit self". If you really interested please join.

This is my wikia, which contains my researches and tutorials. Help me to spread too, because everyone should know this:


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  • The "daily cares" have people absorbed.  It's hard to get through to people on many subjects.  And, even when they agree in principal, they just never get around to doing anything about it.

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