Admittedly I am no meteorologist or climatologist however even they seem hesitant in describing why global warming is such a threat. From my understanding it is remarkably simple. The Atlantic oceans conveyor belt which brings warm water from the equator to the north Atlantic will suddenly change, one of these days, maybe, hopefully not in our lives but it is entirely possible. When the currents change, likely due to all the fresh water desalinating it, it will create a storm system that words can barely describe. According to the the book, 'The coming Global Superstorm' written by Art Bell and Whitney Streiber, this storm will start in the Arctic regions and grow into a monstrous hurricane-like system with EXTREME arctic temperatures ie -100 to -200 degrees, and 200 mph winds which will literally smother the Northern Hemisphere under meters of snow and ice for weeks. This ice, depending on which season this occurs, will either melt and flood the world, or reflect so much sunlight it stays put and a new ice age will then cover the Northern regions. The movie 'The day after Tomorrow' is an account of what is in store should a global super storm occur. Not that it is entirly accurate but If we melt enough ice to change the Atlantic conveyor belt, the consequences will be monumental for our civilization. No scientist can possibly deny that.The evidence suggesting such a switch has happened before exists should anyone care to look, not necessarily in mainstream science though where it is still a taboo to discuss catastrophic possibilities. But really the question comes down to: How else does one freeze dry a whoolly mammoth?
The Atlantic conveyor reportedly is already in trouble, because of the BP oil spill. This past winter was much worse than previous winters. Europe was hit particularly hard. Here are some prior discussions: