March 3, 2015
Virtually all vaccines since 1985 have been cultured in stem cells from babies aborted in 1985!
How's that for a shell shocker? And as it turns out, it is absolutely true. If you want to know how they have produced brain destroying vaccines from DAY ONE (and it has not been any different since 1985, which is a real awakening for me) it is because they have used fetal stem cells to produce practically all the childhood shots.
What is wrong with this? Well, the answer is obvious. You are not supposed to create a vaccine based on the tissues of whatever species receives them. Prior to 1985, the world had enough morals to not use aborted babies to create vaccines. Instead, compatible species were used to culture the pathogens which were then extracted and used to create the vaccines. This might end up making people allergic to dogs, cats, or whatever else after a vaccine, but their immune system would not be fooled into making people allergic to their own existence. This is why, prior to the mid 80's vaccines were not horrible like they are now
Use of fetal tissue to grow cultures which are then extracted and put into a shot is not only immoral, it is dangerous and intentional willful sabotage of the immune system. All the auto immune disorders (where the immune system attacks the body and starts wrecking organs) that we never heard of before only came into huge prominence after 1985. Prior to that, I never heard of them, and in a nation and world that is now running scamming medical systems, it fits PERFECT into creating profits with a corrupted medical system.
The immune system is brainless. It just operates (basically) via a series of chemical reactions. If an enemy protein (or any other material that is flagged as an enemy) is detected by the immune system, the immune system will then proceed to brainlessy remove it from the body. Absent sabotage, this system works great.
However, by producing a majority of vaccines in human cells, a huge disaster is invited and caused, because when these substances are injected in the presence of a pathogen which is a recognized enemy, the immune system also sees the additional fetal materials as the enemy. Since these materials are identical to what is in the body naturally, the immune system, tricked by the pathogen into believing human tissue is the enemy, then proceeds to destroy those tissues in the body. And brain tissue is one of the types used to make vaccines. THERE IS YOUR DUMBING DOWN AND AUTISM CAUSING PROCESS IN A CUTE LITTLE PACKAGE NO DOCTOR CAN HONESTLY DENY.
This is the direct answer for why vaccines are killing babies with sudden infant death syndrome, and why the shaken baby scam was needed to blame parents for vaccine induced deaths. They knew they were going to kill a lot of babies with these vaccines, and since there never was a reason to use human stem cells to produce vaccines before 1985, it is fairly obvious the decision to do so was made by a satanic cult. Have you ever heard of the grove? Probably. Ode to Molech!
I now have a totally new take on vaccines and autism, and it goes like this:
The luciferian sects of (mainly) the Jewish community, and a few others (luciferian is the key here) made the decision to unwittingly make all of mankind complicit in their oath to Satan by putting aborted fetal tissue in something everyone gets - vaccines, so the sins of the elite few would be sent into the blood of every man woman and child they could possibly get it into, all under the disguise of "health" and helping mankind.
Because they are Satanists, it is easily concluded that they hate mankind, which God created, and have actively sought to corrupt everyone without any consent from them whatsoever. As a bonus, they could formulate their abortion derived vaccines to cause a whole new line of illnesses that they could cash in on via a totally corrupt medical system. Additionally, they could intellectually sculpt all of the children down to a level the "elite" believed they could not be challenged by.
It all fits now, FULL CIRCLE. Parents, if you want to opt out of vaccines, USE FETAL TISSUE "DERIVED" AS THE REASON, it would be damn hard for a doctor to say no to THAT!
Take a look through the following search result. In these results, you will see every excuse given, from No, there is no fetal materials in the vaccines to Rabbis saying Oh, don't worry, all the stem cells are from 1985 so by now the sin has worn off to outright admissions even through MSM channels that it is all true, and practically all vaccines have this now. And this provides PERFECT grounds to refuse all vaccines for time immortal, If I ever get another shot, it will be after at least three people were killed trying to get me to submit. Knowing the truth really anchors convictions, eh? Take a look at THIS:
You could be right about that. The hep vaccines were in Jan 2000, the tetanus shot was later that year (prior to September). I was seeing a neurologist in that time with all kinds of crazy symptom flares that culminated in me seeing a neurologist at Duke in Jan 2001. Two neurologists could see the damage (demyelination in my brain and various symptoms and signs) but couldn't correlate it with any known disease.
Byron wilkins said:
Yes, the tetanus shot was combined with diptheria and pertussis (whooping cough). Like I needed those? No, I did not.
Byron wilkins said:
If you had taken the third shot you probably would of got MS. I posted an article that congress has a bill from Phara that they will not have to retest vaccines which means they can put anything in them if passed. It came out the week before the adult forced vaccines showed up. Since we receive the adult vac info two weeks after it was put up, it more than likely came out at the same time.
Cheryl Nelson said:
I am pretty sure it is Mrs Shoenfield that is considered the god father of immunology she does say that aluminum is the vector and damages the blood brain barrier, it has been added to shots of all kinds since the early 1900's. Only if I am on my death bed will I take another shot. Sounds like the tetanus had something else in it. My last shot was a pneumonia one which I believe it will come back and haunt me some day.
Cheryl Nelson said:
Most currently registered cases of ASIA have followed vaccination for Hepatitis B (70.7 percent), said Rodriguz- Pinto. Forty percent of the cases developed defined autoimmune conditions including Multiple Sclerosis and a subgroup of 20 percent had more than one diagnosed autoimmune disease.
My memory was just triggered by this article that I had two of three hepatitis vaccines in 2000 when I worked in healthcare. I didn't take the third because I had an adverse reaction. It was the next year that I started having signs of MS, though it never fully developed.
What I find interesting about this article is that it says vaccines can cause diabetes. My blood sugar never went to 300 before. At most, it flirted with pre-diabetes occasionally (usually because of diet), the highest reading being 116. In November, it was 99, which is in the normal range. I had a blood test within the week prior of falling and and hurting my ankle (11/26). I went to the hospital where I was given a tetanus shot because skin was broken. For whatever reason, tetanus is one vaccine I'll take. Unbeknownst to me at the time, they gave me a full-fledged DTaP shot. And, lo and behold, on February 20, I was suddenly very diabetic. I recall feeling very under the weather after that shot, the injection site was sore for over a month, and I just felt off-kilter.
"Defined autoimmune diseases that may occur following vaccinations include arthritis, lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, dermatomyosiositis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and demyelinating disorders. Almost all types of vaccines have been reported to be associated with the onset of ASIA."
"ASIA – or Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (also known as Shoenfeld's syndrome) -- first appeared in the Journal of Autoimmunology four years ago. It is an umbrella term for a collection of similar symptoms, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that result after exposure to an adjuvant – an environmental agent including common vaccine ingredients that stimulate the immune system. Since then an enormous body of research, using ASIA as a paradigm, has begun to unravel the mystery of how environmental toxins, particularly the metal aluminum used in vaccines, can trigger an immune system chain reaction in susceptible individuals and may lead to overt autoimmune disease."
Check out today's article on pomegranate juice for clearing out the arteries. It's good you are taking responsibility for your health. You're doing it because you are probably supposed to be here to see how it ends. :-)
Byron wilkins said:
I am finally off of all medication and feel so much better than I have in years. I am drinking structured water, taking EDTA to clean the plaque from my arteries and veins. Organic Sulfur to clean the heavy metals and rebuild damaged cell and get rid of dead ones. I have made a noticeable improvement in 30 days. I got Oceans alive 2.0 which is phytoplankton the source of most of the life on earth created in a lab in Spain and not in our polluted ocean. Mike Adams says if everyone on the planet took 10 drops a day the world would eliminate all degenerative diseases on the planet, it is suppose to correct your DNA problems and send you back to years younger and of course apple cider vinegar. I take all the minerals and B-complex with 5,000 iu of D3 1,000 C the good one and once a month I do a Cancer cleanse with Baking soda and Honey. I guess I really just want to be here long enough to see how this horror movie ends.
Well, look on the bright side. What a monster I would have been if autoimmune hadn't slowed me down. LOL! But, seriously, I always felt something inside was holding me back. I kept thinking it was something from a head injury I had. (When I was a toddler, I was behind my sister when she swung the bat and bashed me in the forehead.) Maybe, who knows. But all you can do is just carry on. But with this latest mess, I realized that the diets are geared for the typical Western diet. It has more carbs on it than I'm used to eating and if the meds are used to manage the carbs, why not just eat less carbs? I'm looking into this. I'd rather have a different diet if that would dispense with the meds. What an effen racket.
Byron wilkins said:
Cheryl it hit me like a ton of bricks also. My God you have had a difficult time.