2009 will go down in history as the International Year of Astronomy
As much as I despite the officers, this year has served as a precedent for laying the foundations of astronomy private.
Until 2009, speaking of astrophysics, necessarily implied speak of paradigms from the centers and institutions, which, paradoxically, monopolized the sky, filtering and biasing the information in the informative layer, and guarding the best kept secrets of the universe, that only few could investigate.
2009, has provided an important impetus to science, from the hand of private investigation and coordination of multidisciplinary teams at International level, laying the foundations for the development of a stellar disciplines of science of the XXI Century: The Exociencia, in the framework of the UN forgotten Decision 33/426.
The explanation of the universe from the perspective of "Exo" which involves the waiver to consider ourselves the center of it, reminds us a lot, to the distinction which Keynes introduced on the "micro" and "macro" in the first quarter of twentieth century.
Like can not pretend to explain "macro magnitudes" economics from the "micro", neither can explain the mysteries of the cosmos from classical contemporary Endociencia inherited from the rational model of classical physics.
We are witnessing here, one of the great paradigms of our scientific history. 2009, has led a before and after in the formulation of new models and scientific methodologies, from the hand of private research, based on the free dissemination of knowledge. The momentum "Exo" corresponds to the advanced societies, while the traditional science Endo, paralyzes the schemes of knowledge, and thus the impetus for prosperity, wealth management and progress.
The paradoxical reason the year 2009 has been twofold. On the one hand, we highlight the attempts of public institutions to protect the scientific denial, even resorting to photoshop, process or self-sabotage "on-line" live broadcasts from space, so as to prevent it can be observed in real time by the intended recipients of knowledge: The "humanity" as a whole.
On the other hand, the efforts of teams, which have realized significant advances in human knowledge, overcoming barriers of access firewall cognitive imposed by statutory authorities to prevent this breakthrough today in vain unquestionable.
This has been possible thanks to the International Year of Astronomy.
Thus, we can state the following dates as milestones in the context of astrophysics research in the year 2009:
1 .- The empirical verification of artificiality and aetherofactal activity on NASA satellites (intelligent motion artifacts that describe quantum accelerations in outer space), thus confirming the "Cometa Report" by the European Commission, and Decision 33/426 United Nations, the logical empirical framework of the International Year of Astronomy. On August 16, 2009, has already passed into history as the first empirical evidence of a scientific, advanced alien technology in space, satellites photographed by direct observation of outer space.
2 .- Also, the verification of the Oort disturbance or disruption of Sagittarius, as empirical evidence that our solar system is binary, a milestone that occurred on July 17, 2009, and confirmed later with traces various cometary activity, and recalculation of the stellar momentum of Dr. Lissauer. Of course, lack the precise determination of the distance from the brown dwarf, but its existence is now incontrovertible. Meanwhile WISE probe recently launched by NASA, has a mission to locate our expected stellar companion.
3 .- The confirmation of the cyclical movement toward the galactic Ecuador, or the theory of the photon belt and / or "Superwave" cyclical, formulated by Dr. Paul Laviolette, who also has been verified 15 of his 20 predictions, and confirmed the presence of a cloud of galactic dust in the vicinity of our solar system, as already stated in the article of December 28, NASA confirmed that unexpectedly, our solar system is passing through dust clouds approach the central galáctico.Nos the Galaxy.
4 .- Radio Frequency consolidation as a tool for exploration and communication as a universal and unlimited field of research within the framework of the advanced exploration of the universe, to the point that the next generation of astrophysicists of prestige, will be experts in radio frequency differential quantum .
5 .- The empirical verification of the General Theory of the Three Stripes in the Plate Tectonics, as cosmic pattern, which relates, solar activity, ionospheric load and seismic patterns in cause-effect relationship straightforward. (Theory verified on October 20, 2009). Needless to say, the case of HAARPGATE-SHEBA, which corroborates the point 5, and 6th. SHEBA project. Parte II: “HAARPGATE” Part II: "HAARPGATE"
6 .- Finally, the collapse of the myth of Global Warming by CO2, (November 20, 2009), which has led to the scandal known as "Climategate. At this point, as can be seen, the causes of climate change are cyclical and cosmic, as stated throughout this whole year 2009, by the serious scientific community, that we remember, is currently 13 to 1 majority regarding calentólogos, lest we forget, or at most are politicians, scientists sold to power, as outlined in the "Report" sent to the Committee for U.S. Senate in May 2009. ClimateGate. More than 700 international scientists disagree with the theory and warnings of human activity as Cause of Climate Change.
Nothing escapes the International Year of Astronomy, has laid the foundation for clear, of immediate paradigm shift.
Meanwhile, the political community pseudoscientific Journal, prefer not to see, hear and follow empirically bent on denying the undeniable, but the weight of the scientific arguments exposed "supra" is already such that in the words of many political dissidents, scientists majority community awareness and thinking individuals. Even NASA scientists are dissenting with the official position. Finally a group of dissident scientists at NASA, acknowledges that there is reason to believe that the cause of climate change is cosmic.
As you will see a 180 º to pardigmas known scientists.
Dismissing the year 2009, knowing that the lines advanced scientific level, have been quantum.
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