
  • Amy posted a timeline here.  Click on the captions to access the diagrams.
  • It's serious business to breach a non-disclosure agreement with the government.

    Who is to say Elenin isn't part of the PX entourage?  But since it isn't out in the orbit of Venus (last year's PX location per NZT), it can't possibly be.  (Right.  Keep brain inside box at all costs.)

    Check out Amy's blog at  This is an earlier blog, but lots of pictures and questions.  Here is a quote from the blog itself:

    "This something has been carefully packaged as a small Comet ... but Comets, no matter how large they may be, do not have a very strong gravitational effect on any space body they approach or pass ... we have all been taught that a Comet is nothing but a big ice ball, mixed up with rocks and dust ... but this one seems to ... and if it did in fact have the ability to cause the Chile 8.8 or the New Zeland 7. something, or the recent Japan 9.0 at the distance it was alligning on these dates, what will it be able to do, when its approaching our Earth? ... or when its very close along side our planet? ... or when its right in front of our planet ... in our same orbit?  Also, what will our Sun do, when it passes close between it and our planet on its approach to our planet in September-October?"

    The last three large earthquakes have occurred on the same date Comet Elenin was aligned with the earth and the sun.  One could be a coincidence, but three is no coincidence.  I don't think anyone will be laughing when it aligns again on September 11th, closest passage to Earth on October 17th, wherein its plasma charged tail can discharge, and Earth passing through its massive debris trail in early November.  See for a picture of the tail.

    Amy communicates with astronomers, so the raw data is good.  The interpretation is in various stages of evolving.  Also, check out her blogs on Comet Elenin. 

    And I agree with you on the politics.  The US government is bad, but the current sitting POTUS with all the question marks swirling around him is a saint?  I don't think so. 

  • I didn't know there was something a couple of months behind Elenin.  Guess I've missed those photos.  There are so many contradictions on ZT.  Nancy is so concerned with political stuff, (personal beliefs of hers) that she infuses into her zetatalk.  If there are indeed Zetas, I'm sure our politics are the least of their interests. 

    A relative who works for NASA is so concerned about the budget cuts.  He says that if people only knew what NASA is seeing up there they would demand there be NO budget cuts to the program.  That is as far as he goes...very closed mouthed.  I tried but got nowhere.

  • Kathryn, there is also an object following a month or two behind Elenin as well.

    NZT didn't take the BP Gulf Spill seriously and its consequent impact on the Atlantic Conveyor loop, but look at what it's causing. 

    She said Hale-Bopp didn't exist.


  • Since Planet X is nowhere on the radar that we can see....and Elenin is the only thing we DO know is there, then why is Nancy ignoring it completely and laughing it off as a just a comet? 
  • From the air, it seemed, as dreams go. It got deeper as it expanded and rolled across the ground.


  • Was it being released in the air or from the ground or ?
  • Speaking of HAARP - do you suppose it was used on the twin towers?


    Yep, 2011 - the year - feeling it more and more.

    Woke up to a dream this a.m. People were running from some type of bubbly red stuff being released. If you were to take the contents of a wet diaper and color it red, then magnify the size of the pellets, you'd get an idea of what the red substance looked like in my dream. I, with loved ones, also tried to get away from it. We went into a room and I tried to shut the door to keep it from pouring in. The door would not shut before I woke up. Makes water seemed welcome. Weird!

  • By this Fall, it probably won't matter, when Comet Elenin arrives.
  • I have a bad feeling that the BS mess is to lead to a Constitutional Convention to bring us into the NWO. If O were to run today his 'followers' will vote their Messiah in whether he is legal or not. 

    Last thing we need is a CC because they will shred any bit of hope left for a Republic. 

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