Vegi garden

That time of year again. Any green thumbs (or not) out there?

I want to try out something new to me, and that is "Compost tea".

It is also supossed to revitalise contaminated soil. I've been doing

a lot of reading and there is much more to micro-biology than meats the eye.

Anyone have experience?

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  • Thanks desertrose

    My first batch is worm compost tea. I want to prep my garden with it. It will be finished tomorrow and I'm going to spray it over the ground.

  • You are  most  welcome, Rosemary. If  you  hae  any  questions  I  will be more than happy to help any  way  I  can :)

    Happy  brewing!  lol

    Rosemary S said:

    Thanks DesertRose. I will prepare some for this season.

  • as  long  as  the manure  has  been  well  cooked  you  can use it , Kim.   However,  be  sure before you  do  or it  could  burn  your  plants.

    Kim B said:

    Would this work the same if I took my composted horse manure and put it in a bucket of water to make tea?  I'd like to try that.

  • Thanks DesertRose. I will prepare some for this season.

  • Would this work the same if I took my composted horse manure and put it in a bucket of water to make tea?  I'd like to try that.

  • The compost  tea  I  make   is not as  complicated  as  most.  Some  require  air stones to  keep the  tea  aerated.  I'm  sorry  neither mother nature, permaculture  nor  the  indigenous people use  air stones;  so I  go  without.  Ever since  I  started using  the  compost  tea  everything has  flourished.  I  have  been  making my  own  compost  for  3  years  now. 

    For  my  compost  tea  I  set out a 33 gal. plastic  garbage can.  I  use  rainwater  or water that  comes  from the  duckweed  containers,  which in turn I  feed  with  dish  waste  and  fish  water.  I  fill the  can   3/4 of the   way  with  water and  I  place  about  3 buckets  of compost.  I  cover it  with  it's  lid and let  it  sit for 48 hours .   After  the  initial 48  hours  I  begin to use  the  tea.  The  longer it  sits  the stronger it  gets.  After  4  days  you should  cut the  tea  in  half  b adding  fresh  water.  At  least  I  do and  so ar it  has  worked  for me.  I  strain the  water  as  I  transfer it to  my watering container.  therefore, the  compost that is  sifted  from  the  tea  can  be  put back into a cooking  compost  pile  and start the  cycle all over  again.  Waste  not  want  not,  is my  motto..  Then  I  replace the compost removed every third  time I  remove  water.  For example:  Every third  day  I  add a bucket  of fresh  compost along  with the  replacement water.  I  use  a watering  container  so  I  do not  waste  the precious  tea.  I also have  my  veggie  patch set  up  with  drilled  pvc   piping  connected  to  5 gal.  containers for irrigation.

    It  does not  ferment,  it  does not  stink  and  the plants  love  it.   My  veggies  are  all in  flower,  my  lime  tree , plum tree,  and  lemon tree are  full of   blossoms.  My  fig tree is  full of  new  growth.  My  cabbage ,  garlic,peppers , tomatoes, eggplants, carrots dill, oregano, mint  and  lemon  balm are  huge  and  very  happy.  So I  guess they all approve.

    Hope  this  helps!

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