When noon is not noon

Lately, things are not the same. What makes it strange is that, for a fleeting moment, what is familiar is not anymore.

I have been looking at the sun quite a bit lately. This was triggered by Byron's posting about the Earth wabble.

I took a picture of my balcony on 24 June 16 at 11:50 am. Knowing that the sun's shadow would be still pretty close to the one of 21 June. I used the spacing of the boards as a visual guide to help me see if I could detect differences in the sun position.

On 1 July, I noted that the sun was higher than usual and in a different position to the one I was use to for this period of the year. I toke another picture this time at 10:56 am.

The sun was never over the northside of the house in the past years. It was more to the south. Checking the sun shadow on the boards at 10:56hrs, this is what I got:

I concluded that noon or the time when the sun is at its highest is actually quite different. It basically come earlier.

Here we just had 5 days of rain, lightning and overcast skies. Since I am working during the day, I cannot take pictures to verify if the same thing will occur, and if the Earth is back in its normal position.

Sun, garage, land and New Years 2016 247.jpg

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  • July snow in Western USA, Atlantic ice whirlpools and the 'Cold Blo...

    Morris Levin said:

    About the pole shift.  I read an article by scientists that stated when the pole shift is in progress one side of the earth core is hotter than the other and comes back into balance once the poles are reverse.   If so this would account for warmer polar waters and ice melting from the ground up.  Basically a hotter earth.  This is independent of global warming which is being caused by green house effects.  It seems a double whammy is unfolding from below and above.  

  • About the pole shift.  I read an article by scientists that stated when the pole shift is in progress one side of the earth core is hotter than the other and comes back into balance once the poles are reverse.   If so this would account for warmer polar waters and ice melting from the ground up.  Basically a hotter earth.  This is independent of global warming which is being caused by green house effects.  It seems a double whammy is unfolding from below and above.  

  • Rosemary the northern jet stream for the first time passed over the equator, Last night it snowed in ID WY and MT the chill factor in NV was 24 and in Yellowstone was 29 way out of season. Brazil had a deep freeze and lost there crops and it snowed a record amount in Venezuela. I have been wearing a light jacket in ID when I should be in a T-shirt. Things are way far from normal. I had a dream last night that humans were dug up many years from now with McDonalds hamburgers in there mouths like the wholly mammoths were in Russia with with flowers in there mouth when they were flash frozen 10,000 years ago I woke up laughing but realized it may happen and could not go back to sleep for quite a while. I usually forget dreams but this is haunting me still. It should be at least 80 degrees here and it has been in the 50's.. I do have an active imagination but this is way to active. I have been splitting firewood all day and am sore and just figured out why.

    Rosemary S said:

    I agree Byron. If we compare last year to this year, there is a real visual difference. The funny thing is, no one seem to have notice and/or the ones that did may be too isolated to share information. Even my husband is skeptical of what I have notice.

    So if we have move 12 degree farther north, we are about half way the 23 degree predicted. We can expect to swing back and forth for some time still.

  • I agree Byron. If we compare last year to this year, there is a real visual difference. The funny thing is, no one seem to have notice and/or the ones that did may be too isolated to share information. Even my husband is skeptical of what I have notice.

    So if we have move 12 degree farther north, we are about half way the 23 degree predicted. We can expect to swing back and forth for some time still.

  • Rosemary some are saying 12 degrees farther north than a couple months ago.

    Rosemary S said:

    Last Saturday at about 11:02, the sun was still quite high through the clouds. I could not see a shadow on my balcony  because the sky was overcast. The only thing I could see is the sun shining through the clouds.

    I had a look at my compast, and it show a difference of 2 degree more to the north than before I set the compass to magnetic north.

  • Last Saturday at about 11:02, the sun was still quite high through the clouds. I could not see a shadow on my balcony  because the sky was overcast. The only thing I could see is the sun shining through the clouds.

    I had a look at my compast, and it show a difference of 2 degree more to the north than before I set the compass to magnetic north.

  • I have to agree with your information. Where I planted a garden the last couple years there is total shade all day. It also is setting farther to the north and our day light hours are shorter. Watch this video posted by WSO but start at the 38 minute mark and see what is likely the beginning of a pole shift and an earth tilt WSO Jul 6 Why is Sun Ripped Open?  

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