
  • Correct. The commodity speculators have been given access to the Federal Reserve unlimited funds to drive up prices.


    The PTB want you dead.

    That's why Obama is bringing in new and more restrictive regulations so we cannot grow our own food.

    They tell us, "it's for your own good you know".

    (And Nancy Lieder still worships this guy?)

    In August, I will not be renewing my vehicle registration, not paying my electric bill, cable bill etc.

    Everything is going for food and fuel.

    See how you like that you Illuminati creeps!

    ALL: please do see number 55 from "an alien from Andromeda answers questions" on you tube. 

  • If TPTB want control they are thinking like any military stragtegist: 1) Control the water supply (check)...2) Control the fuel resources (check)....3)  Hit them where it hurts (check)...4)  Control the food resources ...

    If you do these things then the ones you want to control will bend very pliantly.  All that's left is for them to start rounding up the dissenters.

  • It seems like everything is shrinking in size except the price.
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