Just recently, we were wondering why our space brother and sister did not become more public as was predicted. The answer is simple an can be found on the Cosmic Awareness site. It appear that they are stuck in space because we are not giving them the necessary light for them to come.

Please read this. It will explain some or all the fustration we are experiencing at the moment.


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  • Thanks Bill!

    You're right, the US. coming out would probably go a long way. Will that happen though? America seems to have the most to lose. Right now they are the big fish ruling the world...do they want the world to know our planet is surrounded by beings that make them look like primitive cavemen?
    I think the American government/elite have been taking advantage of the knowledge that the ET's won't interfere with our class society to stay in power and keep us in a world where the rich live off of the poor.
    If our space brothers were able to interfere, I some how doubt America would be so tough.
    I think this is going to change soon though. Our planet is reaching a tipping point in more ways than one. As the transformation nears, they will reveal themselves to all, regardless of what our leaders have to say.

    Bill S said:
    I love the way you think Paris

    All that needs to be done is for the US to acknowledge then it would be so!
  • Keith, I don't think we would need to pick a voice. These beings have been visiting our planet longer than we've been on it. They have been watching us from the very beginning, I believe they have been trying to shape our growth since playing a hand in our creation. They already know who we are and probably understand us better than we understand ourselves.
    They also understand we are still a very young species, still stumbling along our journey. They know there are six plus billion of us are being manipulated by a small group of elite members of our own society. This is probably why they make contact with us on a one on one basis. I think maybe the reason they don't interfere with this is due to it may be part of our learning experience along our journey. As much as we may hate to admit this elitist world serves a purpose, there's a chance it does and for now its meant to be.
    These are just my own ideas. I don't know if I'm right or wrong...just thinking out loud.

    Keith Haesemeyer said:
    I agree with you Pairs, but the question I have is: with so many other life forms out there, whom can we trust?

    Pick one individual to be the Earth's voice? A committee? How close is that to reality? An daunting task to itself.
  • I love the way you think Paris

    All that needs to be done is for the US to acknowledge then it would be so!
  • Our planet has billions of different voices and all these voices have their own opinion, we all latch onto something and believe it to be the truth above all others truths. I think finding a single voice to welcome the Galactic Federation, for now, is a long shot.
    If our leaders would just come out and tell us once and for all that we are not alone, I think this would drastically change things. I honestly believe our species would ban together in the knowledge that we are not alone. Could this be the reason for the cover up and why they try to make us fear first contact? If we were to ban together as one planet and welcome these advanced being, this would up set our capitalist world of haves and have nots.
    Our economy is fueled by hatred and wars. Its in the best interest of the elite that it stays this way. The last thing they want is us finding out that we are surrounded by a galactic community. If people realized this community was actually out there, they might put their petty differences aside and strive to be part it.
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