Why Earth is Now Bombarded by Gamma Ray Bursts

Gamma ray bursts are constantly radiating from electromagnetically active celestial bodies outside of our Solar System. Normally, our Solar System's heliosphere serves to shield our planetary family from these constant bombardments of gamma ray bursts. Now, however, due to the depletion of our plasmatic (electrified gaseous) heliosphere-- surrounding our Solar System as a balloon would shelter a disc within it -- gamma ray bursts are not being blocked as effectively as they normally would be. Consequently, Earth is being subjected to these punishing barrages of gamma ray bursts. 

The logical question would arise: Why is our heliosphere depleted? I think the answer is that the intrusion, from deep space, of a brown dwarf star and its surrounding, gravitationally gripped, horde of comets, asteroids and meteors, has created an electrically conductive pathway for the electrically positive charged gaseous heliospheric plasma to discharge to its attractive opposite electrically negative charged Sun and our neutrally charged and lesser charged planetary family members. These resultant electrical discharges of the outlying heliosphere "zapping" to our Sun and its planets are called "return current sheets."  A similar microcosmic electrical discharging phenomenon occurs every day in billions of electrical reactions within the circuits of man's myriad of electrical and electronic equipment; namely, when the common electrical component called the "capacitor" is allowed to discharge electrons from a point on its surface where there is an excess of electrons to a point where there is a deficiency of electrons. And this common microcosmic electrical phenomenon of the capacitor's electrical discharge serves as an exact model describing and explaining this cosmic discharging of our Solar System's heliosphere, which has resulted in the greatest bombardment of Earth by gamma ray bursts from deep space that has ever been witnessed in recorded history.

               John DiNardo

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  • I think of this 'depletion' more in line with the balloon of protection via Sol's magnetosphere; our balloon is losing air and shrinking, exposing the outer planets to heating via the pyroelectric effect.  As before, the line of Sol/Fluff is going to be somewhere around Earth.  Sol's influence is shrinking to around Mars, and the planets under her influence are experiencing the pizeoelectric effect which pressurizes the crystal lattices, shrinking them in other words.  This may explain why Mercury has an extraordinarily large core, it is a product of Sol's pressure increase.  Do we know if Mars has a larger than expected core?  The Earth as S W Carey documented, has experienced expansion.  Also Venus.  Their expansion is due to the influence of the magnetic field Fluff filling in the area exposed by the withdrawn magnetosphere of Sol. 

    This is basically like the working of a capacitance antenna as explained in quantumagriculture.com/capacitance.  It is a closed system that recycles the energy from an electric field back to a magnetic field and repeat.  Any energy input over what is held within the oscillation is an overage and immediately discharges the entire circuit.  Now you see what happened previously, the energy input caused an immediate discharge of the circuit through the now non-existing area of the Cayman Trench.  Remember this land was mountainous, and now the 'hole' runs E/W for over a thousand miles and is 300 miles wide and 6 miles deep.  This is the exit wound of the discharge of the collapsed circuit. Note the anistrophically shaped exit wound in the ionosphere/stratosphere above which is characteristic of released matter under magnetic compression which immediately forms into a sphere. 


    Why Sol gains energy and energizes our core could well be a brown dwarf in a long orbit.  The Chinese myths depict Gong-Gong (dragon) making war on the 5, goring the mountain, and causing the rivers to run south.  We survived in a less efficient form, and may do so again.  I suspect the reason may be the fact that Earth expansion could be slowed by the pyramids on the previous equator.  Could they be acting as a relief valve?  allowing the additional energy to be bled off before a fatal build up?  My only evidence for this is the over long and over warm 12,000 years we have enjoyed.  Totally different from the short & not overly warm interstices in the Ice Planet record.  Could a smarter us have devised a way to save the planet? 

  • Thanks for the explanation, John.  I remember Prof. McCanney talking about return current sheets and didn't really get what he was saying.  You are, obviously, a good teacher.
  • Interesting theory.....

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