All Discussions (18955)
An Irish Blessing Just For You
on your sound...very lovely...
Cyclone Ului, One of the Fastest Strengthening Cyclones On Record
Ului has passed over Queensland, Australia and cut power to 60,000. It
has been noted that Australia is roughly the size of the continental
U.S. but with only 22 million inhabitants. If that cyclo
Chile Says Earthquake & Tsunami Left 700 Dead, $30 Billion in Damages
"And the ground hasn't stopped shaking."
(Originally published 03/22/2010)
Chilling Earthquake Facts
Thoughts to ponder from Captain Nibiru's group:
March 04 2010
NASA tells us the earth has moved three inches on its "figure axis" as a
result of the Chile earthquake - enough to shorten the length of a day
by an apparently minuscule one millionth of
Planet X & the Kolbrin Bible & the Elite's Underground City
E-mail from John DiNardo:
Excerpts from "Planet X and the Kolbrin Bible Connection," by Greg
( [JD: text within {braces} are my explanatory notes.]
Foreword by Marshall Masters, former science editor of CNN:
Another Cruise Ship Gets Hit By High Waves
En route from Morocco Tangiers to Southern Spain.
E-Mail From John DiNardo
John DiNardo March 2010
There is a spirit in all of us who
urges us to help others when they
are in need. Soon everyone will be
in need of the necessities of life.
Although the corporate media
tries to avoid panicking the public,
scientific data prov
Mysterious deep-sea fish appears in large numbers
Tectonic plate movement washing them to the surface?
Thu, Mar 04, 2010
The Yomiuri Shimbun/Asia News Network
Numerous specimens of large deep-sea fish about whose ecology little is
known have been found this winter in coastal areas along the Sea of
The Mighty Mississippi Moving Backwards?
What we have to look forward to, times 1,000:
Imagine seeing the mighty Mississippi River running
backward—that is, uphill against the natural current.
This improbable event did happen. Over several weeks in 1811 and 1812,
massive earthquakes struck
Over 250 SIGNIFICANT Earthquakes Shook The World In The Past 7 Days
In the past seven days there have been more than 258 recorded earthquakes of a magnitude higher than 4.5 on the Richter's scale. Chile alone has already experienced 81 aftershocks at a rate of 4 per hour since the first big earthquake of 8.8 struck o
Read more…USGS Statements Beginning To Be Questioned
Recent large earthquakes in first two months of 2010 indicate trend
Read more…
Memphis UFO Sightings On The Rise
I have read that when UFO sightings increase, the people are being
warned of danger. Memphis is in the New Madrid seismic zone.
like building to some sort of crescendo getting more intense all
the time," said Middleton. "I don't know where it's
LASCO & STEREO 03/03/10 - part 03/06/10
Several PX sightings, strings of pearls, and mystery objects.
What's that at 02:00?
Below, string of pearls between 07:00 and 09:00?
String of pearls at 04:00 to 03:00?
PX at 09:15?