The Seven Sacred WeeksPage Liked · 21 hrs ·Saint Germain: The one who will govern his thought, shutting out all discord, will open himself to the Mighty Current that will attune the Harp Strings of the Soul, just described. THROUGH THESE, ONE MAY RECEIVE DISTINCT HEARING OF THE INNER “PRESENCE,” AND CLEAR VISION BEYOND THE VEIL.Just be at peace, ease, and rest concerning these; feel no strain in any way, no anxiety. This will give one the jewel of inner discrimination, which will enable him to completely govern the outer activity. This means that it will enable one to distinguish between the human and the divine thought, and to govern the outer so that any thought of jealousy, resentment, or self-pity cannot enter. Those three conditions are most stifling to the higher activity.Vol. 4 – Ascended Master Instruction, p. 73Saint Germain Press, Inc.So, my friends, this activity of activating the harp strings of the soul is far more important than you can imagine. This activity works all chackras, the threefold flame, the power of the word that is centered in the throat, the mental screen of power that is attached to the crown of the Elohim on the forehead. This activity works the kundalini, the pituitary and pineal glands. This activity acts on all this, expanding the consciousness of the one who contemplates it. The vehicle is prepared to receive more and more large amounts of energy without losing balance. That is why Saint Germain asked me to put this into the protocol for working with seven cosmic rays (see note posted on the page).~ Morgan Le Fay
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