5 Major Earthquakes in 48 Hours - "Catastrophic Mega Earthquakes Coming" - Seismologists.
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Yep, the 7.8 is actually an 8.8 on the old scale, which was downgraded several decades ago. I could find nothing on the internet about it, except one GLP posting: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1436007/pg1. ; Here's a link discussing the old/new scales, but no mention of the downgrade: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2001/03/i...; However, I remember it when it happened, and someone on GLP obviously remembers it, too. I think the internet has been scrubbed of that information.
These are ginormous earthquakes. Each number is 10x larger. So, a 7.0 is 10x stronger than a 6.0, but an 8.0 is 100x a 6.0. "Because it is a log scale, each whole number increase means a tenfold jump in the size of the earthquake. Thus a magnitude 4 earthquake is 10 times greater than a 3, a 5 is 100 times greater than a 3, and a 6 is 1,000 times greater than a 3." http://articles.latimes.com/1985-10-01/news/mn-19126_1_richter-scale.
So, what this chart is saying is that we are in the age of great quakes, where one is expected to happen every 100 years.
The Richter Scale was succeeded in the 1970s by the Moment Magnitude Scale. It is basically the same as a Richter Scale up to a magnitude 8 earthquake, the top end of the Richter Scale.
Beyond 9.5, while extremely strong earthquakes are theoretically possible, the energies involved rapidly make such earthquakes on Earth effectively impossible without an extremely destructive source of external energy. For example, the asteroid impact that created the Chicxulub crater and caused the mass extinction that may have killed the dinosaurs has been estimated as causing a magnitude 13 earthquake (see below), while a magnitude 15 earthquake could destroy the Earth completely. Seismologist Susan Hough has suggested that 10 may represent a very approximate upper limit, as the effect if the largest known continuous belt of faults ruptured together (along the Pacific coast of the Americas).[20]
You can add one point to these quakes that was removed a few years ago.
more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? even yellowstone is showing signs of coming to life.