WARNING !!! Pope Calls Jesus and the Bible a LIE !!! False Prophet EXPOSED !!!

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The pope has shown his true colors with his latest statements about evolution! In this video I share a Vigilant warning regarding this false prophet! Please ...

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  • Well what the church has changed in the past 20 years such as taking the host in the hand is a desecration.  I am keeping an eye on the Vatican as there are some pretty shady characters ruling the roost.  A lot of Catholics consider Benedict to be the real Pope as they think he was forced out to let Bergoglio in as Pope.

  • what the pope says is important as he has the final say on what is moral and what is not.

  • Haha right. PF explained that part the next day.

  • "people do not need to breed like rabbits" by this statement PF meant that you must be responsible

    for your children and not just keep on producing children that will be a burden to society.

  • http://youtu.be/VTmgmJ_PfIE

  • PF has also been making statements against certain things the Catholic church has taught for eons.  One of the recent ones had to do with his comment of "people do not need to breed like rabbits", lol. That raised anger amongst a lot of Catholics, so PF had to issue another statement on what he really meant about it.

  • I agree, Cheryl.  Someone photoshopped Evolution onto the Bible he is holding up.  Pope Francis (PF) is being pressured by the one world people to slowly get rid of God and Jesus completely.  I have a feeling if he does not follow what they want, he will be eliminated one way or the other.  Look what happened to Benedict, he did not step down because he was "too old".  He was forced to retire as he decided this would be easier than going against the Word of God.  As to a one world secular evil satanic religion being forced on everyone, we will not stand for this.  This world has freedom of religion and no one can take people's rights away from them of what they believe in.  It is easy to see the evil that has invaded the Vatican.  

  • Making statements like that could be career-shortening.

  • what? that is why god is God because he is omnipotent (all powerful) and omnipresence (present all over)

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