General (874)
Deaths As Dengue Fever Grips Carribbean
All that shaking stirring up germs?
Dengue Fever In Key West, Florida
How Our Attitudes Have Changed
In the 1950's newspapers were running stories about how many scientists thought that flying saucers were real...Today we would only see such articles printed tongue in cheek
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Out-Of-Control Satellite Threatens Other Nearby Satellites
"AN UNPRECEDENTED EVENT" ... So is the passage of Planet X, at least
for the past 3,657 years.
More satellite problems...this is a good sat that has left its
slot (reaso
Aliens: The Next Spiritual Mentors?
An interesting article...
Police Chiefs Retiring "In Force"
From a post on GLP at
Phoenix police chief steps down (April 16) [link to]
Gate City, TN police chief steps down (May 30)
[link to]
Newport Beach,
Heads Up, Gulf Coast...
This is a possible remedy for Benzene intoxication. However, remember there are also other chemicals involved and I don't know if charcoal would work on all of them. And, if any of them fall into the classification of heavy metals, you must check out
Read more…Shakers Are Piling Up
"Periodically quake data are "adjusted" by USGS. For example, in
rechecking statistics for 2007, USGS had previously noted 5 mag. 8.0-9.9
events. Now it shows 4. When this occurs