General (874)
Map: Where Americans Are Moving
Looks like there is a lot of movement out of southern California.
Couldn't be the earthquakes could it?
Registration Open For Combat Medicine Class
Having the means to deal with minor issues prevents most major issues!
a class in first aid AND wilderness first aid. Read WFA forums. Learn
how to deal with the basics.
For those who can, here is
information I received in email on the next Comba
E-Mail From John DiNardo
John DiNardo March 2010
There is a spirit in all of us who
urges us to help others when they
are in need. Soon everyone will be
in need of the necessities of life.
Although the corporate media
tries to avoid panicking the public,
scientific data prov
Satellite Failures
Here is a website that lists satellite failures:
"We have predicted that in the year prior to the shift that
satellites will fail, consistently."
"The months
Compassion Fatigue
A question posed on GLP:
While the outpouring of support for the
Haitians is a good sign for man's inclination to be STO, I'm concerned
that soon we might get "compassion fatigue" if these kind of events
continue going to the same well, without encour
State Farm To Stop Offering Flood Insurance
A tell-tale sign of increasing earth changes is when they cease policy
coverages and start going bankrupt....
USGS Statements Beginning To Be Questioned
Recent large earthquakes in first two months of 2010 indicate trend
Read more…
GLP Owner "Trinity" Conducts Ad Hoc Oil Tests...
Gulf Oil Showing Radiation In New Test; Gasses May Be
Radioactive, Too
From An Exclusive Source
"Initial radiation tests on a sample of oil washing ashore near Shalimar
Florida conducted on Friday seem to confirm that the oil comin
Memphis UFO Sightings On The Rise
I have read that when UFO sightings increase, the people are being
warned of danger. Memphis is in the New Madrid seismic zone.
like building to some sort of crescendo getting more intense all
the time," said Middleton. "I don't know where it's
The Power Of The Caring Heart
"After the pole shift, those operating in the Service-to-Other will be
guided to find those they have lost.
It is because they are caring, concerned for those lost, that they get
this assist.
The caring heart qualifies.
If you haven't yet, you should
James Fox On The BP Oil Spill...Media Blackout
; (part 1)
If the clean-up crew talks, they will go to jail.
with cameras are arrested.
Bustling of activity, underlying feeling
of secrecy...
Looks like oil companies have taken over and are
calling the
Has The Real Atlantis Finally Been Found ... Under A Modern Holiday Paradise?
This sounds like the result of PX, and the timing sounds right. Read more…
An Irish Blessing Just For You
on your sound...very lovely...
Recycling and Repurposing
The aftertimes will be a time of recycling as a matter of survival. The
Zetas have already advised us to go to a junkyard and learn all we can
about how to fix and reuse things.
Along this line, learning the many other ways many things can be used
The US Navy Knows, Bill Gates Knows, The CIA Knows, The EPA Knows, The Vatican Knows, The NSA Knows....That PX Is Coming
Audio of June 2009, audio is about one hour long. Notes are below.
Equatorial water bulge (500 feet above sea level, affected by rotation stoppage).
Land hurricane.
Violent weat