bad day. only one from the seven bee colonies.

You may have heard from me that my father in-law has bee's and makes honey, well, he takes good care of them and makes sure that they have enough food  to get them through the winter. Well, there  is only one colonie that is less than half populated and all the others have vanished. Needless to say he is upset and has no idea what happened and where they are. there are no dead bee's laying around and it is as if they flew out and lost orientierung how to find thier way home. He is blaming 'Monsanto" wich I can understand, but I also believe that the solar storms, and the magnetic field changes may have something to do with it. We are going to buy new colonies to replace the lost ones but the worst thing about all of this is that we have no real clue as to why or how? This may seem as small scale but it is a major blow if it is happening elswhere. And it really got me thinking if I should invest in even more stored rations.

Sorry, I just had to vent this off, as it is very important to us.

God bless.

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  • JAK: Check out this article about a "zombie" fly parasite that hijacks bees' bodies:

  • Yes Cheryl this is a big problem. When it affects bees, it affects us too. The Disease that is unfortunately present here is called Colony Collapse Disorder. The insect is a parasitic mite called Varroa. Here is the link to information about the bee collapse:

  • I think they all became disoriented, and then got lost.  My new neighbor brought her bee hive up two years ago, like around March of 2010.  She has this bee hive for several years.  They were healthy and thriving, till the person who was selling their farm to them asked to plant corn.  Only thing is the farmer did it no till, and not long after that (fields sprayed May 2010) her bees began to die.  Hundreds of dead bees all around her hive.  Every single one of them died because of that toxic crap, she was furious.  Of course she told them if they are to plant any more crops, no more chemicals!

  • I  guess nothing can be left out as a possible cause.

    This is what my father-in-lawbelies.

    There is also "APV "(Israeli acute paralysis virus)  wich could be making its way to Germany.

    not quite sure


  • I hope it's not HAARP that's affecting them!

  • This is really sad. Bees are very useful in agriculture. Here in Canada, we have a disease and an insect that has affected domestic bees. Pollution is also a factor as well as GMO. Another offender is earlier springs. Beekeepers have seen bees get out of the hive before the snow was actually melted and before the first flower bloomed.

    It seem that the change in the Earth Magnetic field has something to do with it. We just have to look at how many birds and fishes have died in mass. Jak did you check to see how the worker bees are doing their dance when they are back into the hive? Is it a normal dance? Do you see fluctuation when looking at a compass?

    The other possibility is infrasounds. They are renown to affect birds, bats and raptors navigation system.

    Well best of luck with the new shipment of bees.

  • That doesn't sound good. Hopefully, they have just moved on to established hives elsewhere and haven't perished.

    I believe there has been a decrease in bee numbers world wide for sometime, which is a worrying statistic, as we all know they are essential for global health.

  • I'm sorry to hear this.  I've also heard cell phones and their towers might be implicated, as well. 

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