Daunted by the price of powdered eggs for baking? 

#10 can of whole egg powder is $19.50 @ http://beprepared.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_FS%20D120_A_name_E_Whole%20Egg%20Powder%20-%2040%20oz.  One can makes 94 eggs.

5 lb. (2,271 grams) of golden flax seeds costs $9.35 @ http://www.rainydayfoods.com/shop/index.php/golden-flax.html.  You want golden (not brown) for the buttery flavor.  Cost will be more if you get organic and/or pricier brands.  One 5# sack will make 162 Tablespoons (T) (2271 g per 5# / 14.02g per T).  [Got that 14.02 g/T number from http://www.ellies-whole-grains.com/how-many-grams-of-flaxseed-in-a-tablespoon.html#axzz27hYGDig5.) 

The recipe calls for a heaping tablespoon (HTS), so how much is an HTS equal?  I've heard 3 HTS = 4 T, so it sounds like the "heap" part is about 1/3 more.  Check the math, though.  Anyway, if 1 HTS = 14.02 grams of flax seed then 1/3 more would be 18.66 g of flax seeds per HTS = 122 HTS per 5# bag. 

Note from the rainydayfoods link, "It is recommended you use a coffee grinder or food processor to grind as the high oil content will cause some appliances to seize up. It has a nutty - buttery flavor compared to brown flax and is high in OMega 3, 6 & 9."


Using Flax Seed:

This recipe is every bit as good as real eggs for use in your favorite baked goods. For each egg needed, place in blender:

1 Heaping Tablespoon of whole organic Flax seed, blend until it becomes a fine meal. Add 1/4 cup cold water blend 2-3 minutes until thickened and has the consistency of eggs.

Each 1/4 cup of Flax seed mixture will replace one egg in baking.



2 T flaxseed oil + lemon juice to taste.


Flaxseed oil may not be cost effective.  Another way is to can your own butter.  See http://www.endtimesreport.com/canning_butter.html.

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  • Yes I do feed flax on occasion to my birdies.  Flax seed is expensive in my area so it is once in a blue moon when it is on sale.  At least one good substitute is I let my hens out to pasture for a few hours in the late afternoon.  Only a few hours as the neighborhood hawk spots them too easily if they are out all day.

  • Unfortunately, flax seeds over activate my intestines so I prefer to buy eggs from hens that were fed flax seed.

  • I eat flax also hemp and chia seeds, most days now. last night I had this mix, I wash them, about one tablespoon of each in a small sieve. then I drain and grind them in a small coffee grinder. I then mix tomatoes, tinned, tomatoe paste, herbs, but last night I had this mix  with some potatoes, and a load of vegetarian gravy to make then edible. they are a vital source of omega 3 and omega 6, also help to cleanse the colon, plus the protein and such. a very valuable food. Flax and hemp are almost equal here Chia seeds are also very potent as a nutrient and as a protein and antioxidant source. they help to control appetite so if like me you need t lose a bit of weight, they can be valuable here. I am stopping eating eggs these days, still like them, but not so much right now. Flax and hemp are a good source of many vital nutrients

  • Lucky you.  Fresh is best. 

  • I do not need powdered eggs as my girls (hens) crank out plenty of fresh eggs. ;)
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