Flu Infections Said To Be Ramping Up


75% of those with flu didn't, tsk, tsk, tsk, get their flu vaccinations.  What does that mean?  Become fearful and rush out to get your flu vaccination.  Better idea, increase your Vitamin D3 and just don't bother to catch the flu.

Flu Remedies

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  • BOTH excellent!!!  Thanks Peter!!

    Peter S said:

    Or this one ....


  • Or this one ....


  • Something to try ....


  • Cheryl, I looked up this product about 10 minutes ago, so have the link handy:


    All the information is there.

  • How many ppm's does it make?

  • On a regular day, 1-2 ounces.  On a day when I am feeling a little run down or  my kid brings something home, 4-6 ounces a couple times a day.  I make it at home and supply my loved ones with an endless supply.  I got my generator at Tesla Tech.  They have a website.  Their portable generator is under $15.00 as I recall.  It requires only one 9 volt battery and takes 30 minutes to make 8 ounces at a time.  I only have to pay for distilled water......WAY cheaper this way!!!

  • How much Colloidal do you drink each day Leesa?

    I am out of it, need to try to get more.

  • Yep, it's an effective regime. 

  • Thanks Cheryl! 

    I am so happy to know that I am not the only one SICK and TIRED of hearing that I had better run out and get a flu shot!  I am constantly turning off the radio and the news.  I walk away when people at work start talking about it.  I feel like as if I am being bombarded with suggestions that I am going to get sick if I don't get the f-ing shot!!!  Whatever!! Thank you SO much for reminding me that I DON'T!!!

    I drink colloidal silver and take D3 daily (among other suppliments).  I haven't been sick in three years since I began the regimine.

  • Husband is buying into the fear mongering. He is going to get a flu shot. Oh great! Argh!!
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