
  • I almost drown too, when I was 4. I still remember breathing in the water as if it was air and watching the fish swim by, I felt no fear or pain.

    Cheryl Nelson said:
    Well, August 21st is tomorrow. Pray that it doesn't happen is all we can do.

    My favorite farewell, Paris, is standing on the beach as the tsunami hurtles toward me...meeting the end with my eyes wide open, no fear in my heart. I almost drowned when I was 7 and it is a painless death.
  • Well, August 21st is tomorrow. Pray that it doesn't happen is all we can do.

    My favorite farewell, Paris, is standing on the beach as the tsunami hurtles toward me...meeting the end with my eyes wide open, no fear in my heart. I almost drowned when I was 7 and it is a painless death.
  • I hope WW3 isn't what my 3 minute warning dream was about. What I thought were chemtrails could have actually been the exhaust trails from nukes. Jed said something about 3 minute warning referring to nuclear war.
    I've had many, many dreams over the last 10 years about being consumed by the flames from a mushroom cloud. Funny thing is, I'm always at peace as the flames rush toward me and I always think the same thing, I hope this is over quickly doesn't hurt. And then I close my eyes.
  • here's my opinion what might hapen. israel has from now till saturday to blow the iranian nuke site. that's when t will go on line. russia has helped them build it. if america spports isreal russia wil interprut it as a super power attacking and will come to the aid of iran. this will pull the arab nations of lebonon, syria, and possibly egypt into it. then nato will get pulled in. north kora will sieze the oppurtunity to strike the south because to us will be busy with iran and russia. china will come in and aid israel. just my opinion. joe.
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