Today, Thursday, science web sites are reporting that multiple 
coronal mass ejections from the Sun have reached Earth. 
These CMEs are rare and violent blasts of electrically charged 
particles -- electrically negative electrons and electrically 
positive protons. Briefly, the mechanism by which these waves 
of electrically charged particles cause earthquakes is this: 
Basic principles of electricity and magnetism state that a traveling 
electric charge generates a magnetic field concentrically 
encircling the linear path of that traveling charge. These multiple 
coronal mass ejections comprise blasts of electrically charged 
particles, sort of like a blast of shotgun pellets, only much more 
densely concentrated. Each pellet path, or electric particle stream, 
generates its own concentric magnetic field surrounding the path 
of the particle stream, much like the inside of a tunnel would 
encircle the path of a car traveling through the tunnel. Now, when 
these tunnel-like, coil-like magnetic fields impact Earth's magnetic 
field, it's like poking chopsticks between the vertical wires that 
surround a slowly rotating birdcage, that birdcage being, in actuality, 
the invisible vertically oriented lines of Earth's magnetic force field, 
the source of which force field is the rotating molten iron mixture 
within Earth's core. When you poke chopsticks between the wire 
bars of a rotating birdcage, you cause that birdcage to be jerked 
and jolted in its normally smooth daily rotation. Now, Earth's 
crust is comprised of twelve tectonic crustal plates floating on a 
deep bed of molten, pudding-like rock called "magma." 
What would happen if you were carrying a tray of pineapple slices 
floating on a bed of Jell-O, and someone came by and whacked 
your elbow? The pineapple slices would slosh and crash up against 
one another due to the abrupt acceleration and deceleration of their  
normally smooth motion. That is exactly what happens to Earth's 
twelve tectonic crustal plates. They bang and scrape and slip and 
thrust up against and over and under one another. This global shock 
effect is what we call "earthquaking." So, you can see that today's 
multiple coronal mass ejections from the Sun -- ultimately caused by 
what the government has carefully kept from panicking the public 
about, which is this baby star that is being gravitationally sucked 
in by our Sun's incredible gravitational mass . . . you can see that 
these coronal mass ejections, and others to come in the near future, 
will definitely cause increased earthquake activity all over our planet. 
All we can do is warn others to prepare by learning how to sense 
earthquakes by watching for animal frenzy, sonic booms, and auroras 
of colored light flashes in the sky, which often occur just before an 
earthquake. And we can educate people as to the need to flee from 
their building when they see these early warning signs. 
Finally, monitor the activity of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the 
Canary Island of LaPalma, the earthquake-provoked eruption of which 
will generate the East Coast tsunami, as well as the European West 
Coast tsunami. 
                          John DiNardo

----- Original Message -----
From  <>
Date  Wed, 03 Aug 2011 15:24:51 GMT
Subject  Part 4, Why East Coast Tsunami is Soon-On-Me (Marylanders, Virginians)


   We on the U.S. east coast may be in danger in a day or so, 
because the Sun yesterday blew out a coronal mass ejection. I have 
posted essays, scientifically explaining how CMEs cause earthquakes. 
Yet, I have not seen any public announcements from scientists alerting 
the public to the fact that CMEs and extraordinary solar winds indeed 
cause earthquakes, nor have I seen any evidence that today's 
scientists even understand the mechanism by which coronal mass 
ejections and solar winds provoke earthquakes; but because this 
cause-and-effect phenomenon is based upon the principles of electricity 
and magnetism, I can paint a visual word depiction explaining how 
CMEs cause earthquakes.  I will soon post such an essay.  
   However, may this caveat suffice for now: When a CME or massive 
solar winds are emitted, watch out for earthquakes!  
   Many lives may soon be in peril. I say "may," meaning that the 
possibility grows ever greater that the Cumbre Vieja volcano may soon 
erupt, because earthquake swarms (such as the recent swarms around 
the Cumbre Vieja volcano) are highly indicative precursors of volcanic 
eruptions. Scientists from University College, London have been quite 
alarmed over the *inevitability* that a Cumbre Vieja eruption will 
precipitate a *mega* tsunami, not just an ordinary quarter-million-people 
annihilator, like the undersea earthquake-driven Asian tsunami of 
Christmas 2004, but a landslide-driven *mega* tsunami, which the 
scientists say is inevitable (not if, but) when the Cumbre Vieja volcano 
   Please view all three of these links, below.
               John DiNardo

----- Original Message -----
From  <>
Date  Sat, 30 Jul 2011 16:12:09 GMT
Subject  Part 3, Why East Coast Tsunami is Soon-On-Me (New Englanders)


In this segment from the BBC/Discovery Channel documentary, 
"Mega-Tsunami," oceanographer Dr. Gary McMurty and geologist 
Dr. Simon Day describe the esoteric peril which now threatens 
to strike -- with a crashing tidal fist -- fifty million people along the 
east coast of the United States, plus millions more along the Atlantic 
coast of many North, Central, and South American nations. The peril 
escalates to an even higher pinnacle by the still more esoteric 
fact that, not only *might* this volcano become a half-trillion ton 
crashing landslide, spawning East Coast annihilation, this volcano 
*will* almost certainly collapse within the coming one to forty months, 
because a celestial earth-shaker is nearing our inner Solar System. 
Now, we have yet more factual reinforcement of this warning. In this 
documentary, you will hear the statement that the lava-top-heavy 
Island of Reunion collapsed into the Indian Ocean about four thousand 
years ago. Sharpen that estimation to 36 1/2 centuries ago, when this 
baby star, on its *punctual* cometary orbit, once again swept Earth 
with its gravitational and electromagnetic wake, provoking the infamous 
Santorini volcano caldera to explode, exterminating the entire Minoan 
civilization.   . . . Well, here we are in 2011, 36 1/2 centuries later!

This is the third of numerous installments of evidence indicating that 
the entire East Coast of the Americas and the West Coast of Europe may  
soon be wiped out by a landslide-driven tsunami, which is typically about 
ten times greater in amplitude than an undersea earthquake-driven tsunami. 
Each of these episodes will contain a different audio drama, plus these two 
articles from the largest newspapers in the United States, which together 
constitute an official declaration by the Federal Government of the United 
States, N.A.S.A., that a massive celestial intruder, a brown dwarf star, is 
being gravitationally sucked in by our Sun's irresistible gravitational force 
field. Judging by the dates of these two newspaper reports, this dwarf 
star's rendezvous with the Sun, in a looping U-turn, should occur in the 
near future. But notice that this dwarf star must first pass by Earth, and 
this explains why its 20-million mile close fly-by will gravitationally and 
electromagnetically molest Earth. Even now, the area surrounding the 
Cumbre Vieja volcano is exhibiting pre-eruption symptoms. Americans 
and Europeans need to monitor this volcano, daily, and prepare to drive 
inland when it begins to erupt, or risk being caught in the death-grip 
of highway gridlock.                     John DiNardo 

The New York Times announces that this brown dwarf star is gravitationally 
plucking at the outer planets of our Solar System, and that it was, even then, 
within the gravitational force field of our Sun. Hence, it is much closer now.

The front page of the Washington Post announces that this dwarf star has 
been sighted, and that it is probably as large as Jupiter and is a member of 
our Solar System; however, since it is not orbiting the Sun, it is intruding 
*across* the orbital paths of all our planets and heading toward the Sun -- 
a celestial loose cannonball.

----- Original Message -----
From  <>
Date  Mon, 25 Jul 2011 01:49:12 GMT
Subject  Alert! Signs of East Coast Mega-Tsunami Appearing

Earthquake swarms around a volcano are often precursors to volcanic eruptions.
When this volcano erupts, the scientists tell us that it will create a mega-tsunami 
that will kill millions of people who live within miles of the Atlantic Ocean.

These scientists are testifying to the fact that when this volcano erupts, 
the half-trillion ton western flank of the Cumbre Vieja volcano will surely slide 
into the Atlantic Ocean, creating a mega-tsunami wave that will kill many 
millions of us who live miles away from the Atlantic Ocean.

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  • Yes very well explained.
  • John, you are a master educator.  You take complicated subjects and make them easy to understand.  I wish you had been my h.s.physics teacher!

    Question for you...there is a discussion going on about there not being a BDS in the solar system because of the "lack" of symptoms.  I think the increasing earth changes is a symptom, but others think if it was that close we would already be being trashed.  What do you think?

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