
  • Jim, I ha note that the main article like water are missing from my kit. What i do not like is that the bottles they water come into may contain endocrine disruptor like Bysphemol A. is there another container that is safe?

  • Shoe strings - covered.

    Spare glasses 2 pair - covered this week.

    And Jim you are right there truly is no way to prepare for every contingency but it never hurts to try

  • They always bring out the Mayen card to call preppers weird. But never say anything about all the governments in the world prepping to save themselves.  If they can do it, so can we!  And we better!  Rosemary, you can never prepare for everything, unless you are a millionare or the US government.  You will find that you will always be missing some simple little thing like shoue strings or an extra pair of glasses. 

  • Well at least the article defines preppers has being different depending on their belief. We all are to a certain extent. I like this article a lot. While I was reading, I was thinking at what our family survival kit may be missing.

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