
  • Thanks, Jonas.  I've been using because of the price, though I don't know if it's non-gmo.  A lot of it was procured years ago (freeze dried) so hopefully it was before gmo was so widespread.
  • I feel that this is going to become a problem soon too. Not only because of PX, but also because of the increasing reliance on Monsanto gmo seeds. One way to hedge against food shortages is of course to store food. I have found that dehydrated food is a good alternative to canned goods because it lasts longer and takes up far less room. One caveat is that if you go this route you will need a large source of water to reconstitute the food, so plan for water first. If you are too busy to dehydrate your own food check out; they use fresh non-gmo food and have reasonable prices. I've had good experiences with them myself.
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