All Discussions (19054)
2nd Blackberry Outage Sparks User Revolt
2nd outage in as many weeks...could this be satellites beginning to be
impacted by PX?
(originally published 12/26/2009)
San Diego Booms--Earthquakes Or Skyquakes?
"Mysterious booms were also heard this week in Arkansas City, Kansas and in parts of Oklahoma. The booms were loud enough to shake the earth and register on the Richter Scale. "E
GPS Misdirecting Travelers In Oregon
Three different families were stranded.
(originally published 01/02/2010)
Top This Speeding Ticket!
Two California Highway Patrol Officers were conducting speeding enforcement on I-15, just north of the Marine Corps Air Station at Miramar. One of the officers was using a hand held radar device to check speeding vehicles approaching the crest of a h
Read more…2 Coal Mine Disasters In China
(originally published 01/02/2010)
Why Does PX Move Around So Much?
On today's LASCO captures blog, PX is seen in various positions. Why does it move around so much?
"The Winged Globe or other manifestations of Planet X have all this year been shown in places other than the trad
The "Visitors" Are Back!
Stereo Ahead was offline between 1039 and 1909 today. Could this be the reason why? Note the "line ups" in this Lasco C2 image (and PX at 03:00):
Does this next image look familiar? If you remember, we witnessed some "star wars" activity back in A Read more…
The Seasons Are Blending
We had deep winter weather a few days ago. Today, in southwest Virginia, it was like spring. Everyone was in shirt sleeves.
And in Victoria, Australia, 2 weeks into summer...a snowy dusting.
The Norway Spiral: Crop Circle In The Sky? An Intergalactic Message?
Report #175
December 16, 2009
Joseph P. Skipper
J. P. Skipper can be contacted at: jskipper@marsanomal yresearch. com
As many of you know and have likely seen in the news Read more…
Major Winter Storm Looms 2009
"This is a huge system."
The Green Cross
I think this image is PX because this object is in the same area (5 o'clock position or so) and when enlarged looks like a green cross. (It's green because of the camera used, it's the same as the red cross in the blog "PX on STEREO".) I find that Read more…
30- to 50-foot Waves In Hawaii
Slideshow at
Video at
(Originally posted 12/09/09)
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Bulgaria Officially Declares It Is In Contact With Extraterrestrials
Translated from using
The British newspaper, Telegraph, published today, 26 November 2009, that:
The Bulgarian government scientific officers, including Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of t Read more…
12/10/09 NASA Image Captures
PX at 3:00
This image near in time on C3 shows PX nowhere in sight, but who what is that at 3:00?
And what is that at around 9:00???
Back to the 3:00 can see PX in the background. Enlarge it to see the moons.
Several green cross Read more…
What Is It?
Bear in mind that the Planet X persona you are seeing is NOT close to the Sun but halfway between the Sun and the Stereo Ahead satellite. Thus, any movement in the tail is captured and looks larger in perspective than it would if it were close t
13 Incredible & Devastating Sinkholes On Earth
Everything on earth will be in turmoil. This is one reason to not totally rely on having everything you need in a set location. It could flood, it could be invaded by looters Read more…
Does The Ft. Nelson Crop Circle Foretell The Norway Spiral?
Portchester, Hampshire, UK, June 11, 2004 (Ft. Nelson):
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Train Derailment In Saskatchewan, Canada (train derailment in Sask., Canada)
Explosion because it was carrying propane tanks. Cause unclear.
Originally posted 12/08/09.
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