Hey, Greta!

Hey, Greta!
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  • The warning will awaken most people.  There will be a few that will not come back to God.

  • Kim that makes two of us.  We will have to wait for God to come to straighten things up. There is no other way. Prophecy says that the Warning will not be enough to straighten people out. The wicked will continue in their sin. When God comes he will separate the sheep from the goats as you well know.

  • Martin, it was said in several prophetic messages, that the earth is being knocked off it's axis.  And a scientist I know on FB measures the axis every summer solstice and winter solstice.  His data proves this is true.  Every time the earth experiences a mega quake, it shifts the axis a few degrees thus messing up the weather patterns.  And also including the increased volcanic activity under the seas warms water again messing up weather patterns.  So the establishment tries to pretend its "global warming".  They don't want to tell the sheeple the truth as I assume they don't want to deal with the fear.  There may be other reasons I don't know.  I am tired of all the lies from the establishment.

  • She is a young, autistic girl who is being controlled by global puppeteers. 

  • I e-mailed Greta Thunberg with the alternative explanation (Tribulations) for global warning but she never replied. So much for an open minded being! I was very very disappointed....

    It may have been too much for her.


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